Looks like some guys in the UK had enough time on their hands to invent this kick ass powered skateboardesqe skooter. With a little luck 50 companies won't steal this great idea and mass market it in time for Black Friday. Two words: Patent Protection.
Implications - Until that time comes, this video showcases how fun this cool invention really is. Could you imagine all the envious stares you would get as you rocked down the sidewalk on this thing? I sure can. Say goodbye to those boring, old, regular skateboards, because this one-wheeled beast is going to change the game forever. Needless to say, it's wheely cool.
Implications - Until that time comes, this video showcases how fun this cool invention really is. Could you imagine all the envious stares you would get as you rocked down the sidewalk on this thing? I sure can. Say goodbye to those boring, old, regular skateboards, because this one-wheeled beast is going to change the game forever. Needless to say, it's wheely cool.
Trend Themes
1. One-wheeled Personal Mobility Devices - The invention of the one-wheeled electric skateboard has opened up opportunities for the development of other one-wheeled personal mobility devices.
2. Electric Skateboards - Electric skateboards are becoming more popular as a more convenient and eco-friendly alternative to traditional skateboards, and there are opportunities for innovation in their design and features.
3. Personal Transportation Devices - The rise of personal transportation devices like the one-wheeled electric skateboard is disrupting the traditional market of transportation, and there are opportunities for innovation in this space.
Industry Implications
1. Personal Transportation Industry - The personal transportation industry is being disrupted by the invention of new types of personal mobility devices, such as the one-wheeled electric skateboard, and there are opportunities for companies to innovate and adapt to this changing market.
2. Skateboard Industry - The skateboard industry has the opportunity to adapt and integrate electric skateboards and other personal mobility devices into their product lines to appeal to a wider range of customers.
3. Electric Vehicle Industry - The development of electric skateboards and other personal mobility devices is contributing to the growth of the electric vehicle industry, and there are opportunities for companies to invest in and innovate this space.