The Normalize App Makes it Easy to Un-Instagram Pictures
Michael Hines — August 22, 2012 — Tech
References: joemacirowski & dvice
The Normalize app is an iOS application that lets you instantly touch up photos. The app effortlessly lets users un-Instagram photos, but it can also be used to fix up pictures that are too dark or yellow. Using the app requires next to no effort whatsoever. You either upload photos from your iDevice or copy and paste them into the app.
Joe Macirowski's app is bound to appeal to hardcore photo enthusiasts who are sick and tired of seeing great pictures ruined by filters and bad lighting. It may even find its way into the hearts of hardcore Instagrammers who want to be able to frame or print some of their photos. The Normalize app is available in the app store now and sells for 99 cents.
Joe Macirowski's app is bound to appeal to hardcore photo enthusiasts who are sick and tired of seeing great pictures ruined by filters and bad lighting. It may even find its way into the hearts of hardcore Instagrammers who want to be able to frame or print some of their photos. The Normalize app is available in the app store now and sells for 99 cents.
Trend Themes
1. Anti-filter Photo Apps - Creating photo editing apps that remove filters and enhance pictures without adding unrealistic elements.
2. Simplicity in Photo Editing - Developing apps with simple-to-use interfaces that make editing photos hassle-free.
3. Un-instagramming - Developing apps that undo the saturation and filter effects of Instagram on photos.
Industry Implications
1. Photography - Developing photo editing apps that cater to the needs of the modern-day photographer.
2. Mobile App Development - Creating mobile applications that are user-friendly and provides solutions for problems faced by photographers.
3. Social Media Marketing - Creating apps that cater to the needs of social media users and content creators, allowing users to easily un-Instagram their pictures for their social media feeds.