This Artist Created Mother Nature Paintings Using Tree Trunks as Canvases
References: alisonmoritsugu & designtaxi
Artist Alison Mortisugu completed a collection of stunning nature paintings, which were all created upon tree trunk canvases. This unique use of deceased trees acts as a homage to the once-living things.
Each tree trunk canvas displays a unique scene that reflects something the tree may have actually seen. Some of the nature paintings show riverfront scenes with serene lakes and vast amounts of surrounding foliage. Other scenes show a view of the sky with branches poking into the frame every now and then.
All of the tree trunk canvases are collected from fallen trees or logs people have cut down. Each piece of art aims to honor the tree by creating realistic and organic images. Mortisugu explains, “I like the juxtaposition and tension created by having an image of nature on a section or sample of real nature."
Each tree trunk canvas displays a unique scene that reflects something the tree may have actually seen. Some of the nature paintings show riverfront scenes with serene lakes and vast amounts of surrounding foliage. Other scenes show a view of the sky with branches poking into the frame every now and then.
All of the tree trunk canvases are collected from fallen trees or logs people have cut down. Each piece of art aims to honor the tree by creating realistic and organic images. Mortisugu explains, “I like the juxtaposition and tension created by having an image of nature on a section or sample of real nature."
Trend Themes
1. Eco-friendly Art - Using deceased trees as canvases to create art pieces can spark an eco-friendly movement in the art industry.
2. Nature-inspired Art - Creating art inspired by nature allows artists to explore different themes and harmonize with the environment.
3. Sustainable Sourcing - Sourcing fallen trees and logs to use as canvases is a sustainable and innovative way to recycle and repurpose material in the art industry.
Industry Implications
1. Art and Design - The art industry can utilize fallen trees as canvases to create truly unique nature-inspired pieces.
2. Home Decor - Nature-inspired art pieces can be a source for home decorations and a sustainable way to add artwork to spaces.
3. Eco-tourism - Tree trunk canvases can be used as a visiting spot in forest parks, enabling ecotourism while paying homage to nature's beauty.