My Little Geek ABC Book Teaches Toddlers to Talk Geeky
Matt Ho — November 3, 2011 — Life-Stages
References: mylittlegeek & laughingsquid
Instead of teaching the 2-year-old in your life that A is for ants and B is for Bears, expand his or her vocabulary with the My Little Geek ABC Book.
New Zealand-based couple Andrew and Sarah Spear wrote the My Little Geek ABC Book to allow infants to explore their nerdier sides. So instead of displaying the usual array of animals and friendly inanimate objects that start with certain letters, this book will teach the little ones words with science-related themes. In this case, ‘C’ would stand for caffeine, or ‘M’ would stand for Mage. It’s quite an interesting idea and besides, every kid should know that ‘Z’ can stand for zombies instead of zebras.
In addition to the book, the duo also released a complementary matching game for the iPad available at the App store.
New Zealand-based couple Andrew and Sarah Spear wrote the My Little Geek ABC Book to allow infants to explore their nerdier sides. So instead of displaying the usual array of animals and friendly inanimate objects that start with certain letters, this book will teach the little ones words with science-related themes. In this case, ‘C’ would stand for caffeine, or ‘M’ would stand for Mage. It’s quite an interesting idea and besides, every kid should know that ‘Z’ can stand for zombies instead of zebras.
In addition to the book, the duo also released a complementary matching game for the iPad available at the App store.
Trend Themes
1. Nerd-themed Education - Opportunity for creating educational products that introduce unconventional vocabulary to young children, catering to parents interested in geek culture.
2. Interactive Learning Apps - App developers have an opportunity to create engaging and interactive learning experiences for young children.
3. Alternative ABC Books - Demand for ABC books that offer a unique and unconventional approach to teaching children their alphabets.
Industry Implications
1. Education - Opportunity for educational publishers, toy companies, and app developers to create and market nerd-themed educational products for young children.
2. Mobile App Development - Opportunity for app developers to create interactive learning apps that cater to niche markets and provide unconventional educational content.
3. Publishing - Publishers can meet the demand for alternative ABC books that appeal to parents interested in introducing geek and science-related vocabulary to their children.