Microsoft have unveiled their newest 'Home of the Future', one where there are mobile phones can control room lighting, temperature, music, television and other parts of the house -- all the way down to the lock on the front door.
Established 12 years ago, the Microsoft Home, is a series of rooms filled with working prototypes and technology concepts which they consider are only five to 10 years from becomming available to the public. Dissapointingly the Microsoft Home is only open to the company's employees, customers and others to tour by appointment.
In one of the rooms you find a projection system which works as digital wallpaper and contains many different images which can be changed according to mood. The dining room also features a projection system. Here is turns the dining room table ordinary table into a large, touch-sensitive computer screen. My personal favourite technology is the children's room - here is a computer that senses when a toy is returned to the proper bin and awards points.
Trend Themes
1. Smart Home Technologies - Exploring and integrating mobile phone technology to optimize different aspects of home living, from lighting to temperature regulation and even security.
2. Projection Systems - Innovative use of projection technology, such as creating digital wallpapers and turning ordinary surfaces into touch-sensitive screens.
3. Interactive Children's Technology - Using sensors and gamification to create tech devices that can help in instructional learning, organization, and productivity.
Industry Implications
1. Home Automation - Companies who specialize in designing, manufacturing and installing home automation systems to make homes more efficient and smarter.
2. Projection Technology - Companies innovating in projection technology, exploring its application to include more engaging visual experiences in various settings.
3. Children's Toy and Game Manufacturing - Companies in the toy industry creating interactive and educational toys leveraging technology to create new user experiences.