The Marvel Edition Versus Fighting Pad Creates a BANG On Screen
Amelia Roblin — February 26, 2011 — Tech
Graphic action enthusiasts will love the new Marvel Edition Versus Fighting Pad for Xbox. Decked out in a collage of the comic book brand's most infamous superhero images, this video game controller literally brings on-screen conflict to your fingertips.
Made by Performance Designed Products LLC, the Marvel Edition Versus Fighting Pad takes snapshots from Siege, packaging them into a fine-tuned gaming gadget that brings the battle beyond the TV.
Made by Performance Designed Products LLC, the Marvel Edition Versus Fighting Pad takes snapshots from Siege, packaging them into a fine-tuned gaming gadget that brings the battle beyond the TV.
Trend Themes
1. Graphic Action Controllers - Creating custom game controllers with the graphics of popular action franchises for an immersive gaming experience.
2. Branded Gaming Accessories - Designing and producing licensed gaming accessories featuring popular comics, movie and TV franchises to tap into nostalgia and fandom.
3. Gaming Crossovers - Partnering with different types of media and brands to promote and produce unique gaming experiences that cater to a wide audience.
Industry Implications
1. Gaming Accessories - Performance Designed Products LLC can expand their licensed game controller design business by offering branded gaming accessories like headsets or mousepads.
2. Comics Merchandise - Comic book companies like Marvel can expand their merchandise offering by launching branded gaming peripherals to amplify their brand across various platforms.
3. Media Franchises - Different media franchises such as movies, TV series, and comics can consider partnering with gaming accessory companies to produce their branded gaming peripherals for a wider fan base.