The 'Cosmos' Magnetic Wooden Watch Tells Time in a Different Way
Michael Hemsworth — February 2, 2021 — Fashion
The 'Cosmos' magnetic wooden watch is an elegantly minimalist timepiece for wearers who are seeking out a naturalistic yet illusory accessory to wear. Featuring a unisex aesthetic, the timepiece is crafted with 100% natural dark wood to make each one different from the next thanks to the varied texture of the material. The dial of the watch boasts a bullseye-like design that features two ballbearings that will rotate around the face according to the time of day to relay the time in a simple yet slightly perplexing way.
The 'Cosmos' magnetic wooden watch is accented by a durable leather strap, which gives the accessory just the right level of heft that will feel substantial on the wrist without being too heavy for everyday wear.
The 'Cosmos' magnetic wooden watch is accented by a durable leather strap, which gives the accessory just the right level of heft that will feel substantial on the wrist without being too heavy for everyday wear.
Trend Themes
1. Magnetic Timepiece Technology - Developing magnetic technology in timepieces presents opportunities for more unique and elegant designs.
2. Naturalistic Fashion Accessories - Creating unique and personal fashion accessories using natural materials can offer a more authentically eco-friendly product.
3. Simplistic Design Timepieces - Customers who look for minimalist designs may seek out timepieces that end up taking them out of their comfort zone.
Industry Implications
1. Watchmaking - Watchmaking industry should explore ways to incorporate more eco-friendly and natural resources into their design.
2. Fashion - The fashion industry has an opportunity to create minimalist designs with natural materials in mind.
3. Technology - Further development in magnetic technology can be explored beyond the watchmaking industry for increased accessibility and creative applications.