Think Geek Makes 'Locked ON Proximity Sensing T-Shirt'
Think Geek has made socializing with nerds around the world a new reality with their Locked ON Proximity Sensing T-Shirt. No more hiding in your mom’s basement chatting over World of Warcraft in hopes of finding an equally geeky soul mate.
Think Geek’s t-shirt constantly scans for its matching counterpart, and will instantly alarm you to the presence of it with a built-in radar screen. Think Geek also made a pretty cool video for the Locked ON Proximity Sensing T-Shirt. Have a look, 'cause it’s funny.
Think Geek’s t-shirt constantly scans for its matching counterpart, and will instantly alarm you to the presence of it with a built-in radar screen. Think Geek also made a pretty cool video for the Locked ON Proximity Sensing T-Shirt. Have a look, 'cause it’s funny.
Trend Themes
1. Proximity Sensing Clothing - With the development of proximity sensing technology in clothing, there are opportunities for new clothing lines and accessories.
2. Socializing Techwear - The combination of technology and clothing opens up possibilities for socializing and building community in new and innovative ways.
3. Nerd Fashion - The trend of 'nerd fashion' is growing, providing opportunities for companies to create clothing that caters to this subculture.
Industry Implications
1. Fashion - Companies in the fashion industry can incorporate proximity sensing technology into their clothing lines, catering to niche markets like the geek subculture.
2. Technology - The development of proximity sensing technology, especially in clothing, offers opportunities for companies in the tech industry to expand into new markets and applications.
3. Marketing - Trends like proximity sensing clothing and nerd fashion offer marketing opportunities for companies to develop advertising campaigns that cater to niche communities and subcultures.