The LG Door-In-Door Feature Provides Secret Food Compartments
Meghan Young — September 14, 2012 — Art & Design
The LG Door-In-Door feature is for people who really like doors, especially refrigerator doors. Essentially, it is a door within a door. Like a secret compartment for food, the standard fridge door opens up again to reveal more storage, almost as if it were a mini refrigerator itself. Keeping this secretive quality in mind, the LG Door-In-Door feature could easily be used by those who are trying to hide food from others.
A unique concept, the LG Door-In-Door feature is not actually meant for that. Instead, it was created to avoid unnecessarily letting out cool air from the rest of the fridge. Working in conjunction with the super-capacity three door french door refrigerator, it is capable of storing 31 square feet of food items.
A unique concept, the LG Door-In-Door feature is not actually meant for that. Instead, it was created to avoid unnecessarily letting out cool air from the rest of the fridge. Working in conjunction with the super-capacity three door french door refrigerator, it is capable of storing 31 square feet of food items.
Trend Themes
1. Secretive Storage - Innovative storage solutions that allow for secrecy or privacy could appeal to consumers who want to hide items or keep them separate.
2. Minimizing Energy Loss - Creating products like LG's Door-In-Door that minimize energy loss could appeal to consumers who are environmentally conscious or want to save money on their bills.
3. Multi-functional Features - Products that have multi-functional features, such as the LG Door-In-Door, can save space and add convenience for consumers.
Industry Implications
1. Home Appliances - The home appliances industry could further innovate with more creative storage solutions and energy-saving features, like LG's Door-In-Door.
2. Kitchen Design - Innovative kitchen design could incorporate more hidden or separated storage options for food items, like the Door-In-Door feature by LG.
3. Retail - Retail outlets could stock more products that feature multi-functional elements, like the Door-In-Door, to appeal to consumers looking to save space and add convenience.