The Kerfton Camper Trailer Offers Ample Space for Outdoor Comfort
Michael Hemsworth — April 30, 2021 — Autos
References: rgpindustrial & yankodesign
Local travel has become popular once again as consumers look to enjoy the amenities of their local environment, which is driving demand for solutions like the Kerfton Camper Trailer to provide off-grid comfort. Designed by Argentina-based designer Raul Gonzalez Podesta for Kerfton Australia, the trailer is equipped with a full-sized kitchen that is accessible out of the tailgate. The trailer also provides access to a queen-sized bed that is flanked by two large seating areas which will double as beds for kids in the evening.
The Kerfton Camper Trailer features high ground clearance and rugged tires that will enable the trailer to be easily towed behind a vehicle over off-grid environments to accommodate those looking to get off the beaten path.
The Kerfton Camper Trailer features high ground clearance and rugged tires that will enable the trailer to be easily towed behind a vehicle over off-grid environments to accommodate those looking to get off the beaten path.
Trend Themes
1. Local Travel - The trend towards local travel creates a market opportunity for companies producing camping trailers.
2. Off-grid Comfort - Consumers seek trailers equipped with full-sized kitchens and comfortable sleeping spaces to provide off-grid comfort.
3. High Ground Clearance - Trailers designed with high ground clearance and rugged tires are in demand for off-road vacations.
Industry Implications
1. Recreational Vehicle Industry - The RV industry has a disruptive opportunity to cater to consumers seeking off-grid and high ground clearance camping trailers.
2. Automotive Industry - The automotive industry can innovate with new-design vehicles for easy towing of these trailers.
3. Hospitality Industry - The hospitality industry can consider offering comfortable camping sites for those guests who are renting or owning camping trailers.