The Canary Yellow Fake Post-It Note Dress by Holly Stalder
Jealous of Lady Gaga’s Post-It Note dress? Thanks to Holly Stalder, you now have an alternative: a fake Post-It Note dress in canary yellow!
While her dress probably isn’t actually meant to look like sticky notes, I can’t help seeing dozens and dozens of my favourite office supply items when I look at this fine piece of clothing.
In addition to the Canary Dress, the gallery includes a few other stunning pieces by Etsy seller Holly Stalder.
While her dress probably isn’t actually meant to look like sticky notes, I can’t help seeing dozens and dozens of my favourite office supply items when I look at this fine piece of clothing.
In addition to the Canary Dress, the gallery includes a few other stunning pieces by Etsy seller Holly Stalder.
Trend Themes
1. Faux Fashion Trend - The trend of creating clothing pieces that imitate everyday objects opens the door for wearable art and expands possibilities for fashion designers
2. Office Supply Fashion - Reusing or repurposing office supplies as design elements can create unique, eye-catching fashion statements and even spark creativity among DIY enthusiasts
3. Sustainable Fashion - The use of everyday objects and unconventional materials for fashion promotes recycling and upcycling, contributing to a more sustainable fashion industry
Industry Implications
1. Fashion Industry - Fashion designers have the opportunity to explore new design possibilities and innovative use of materials to create disruptive fashion trends and attract consumers
2. Retail Industry - Retailers can capitalize on the quirky and unique aspect of faux fashion by offering niche products and exclusive collaborations
3. Office Supply Industry - Through collaborations with fashion designers, the office supply industry can explore new applications for their products, reaching new audiences and expanding their market.