The Goodmorning Tube Handlebar Carrier Lets You Tote in Style
Tisah Tucknott — July 20, 2009 — Autos
This Handlebar Basket is extremely convenient for those of you who like to take your little pets for a bike ride, or those of you who bike to the grocery store. The basket is made of tubes and easily attaches itself to the handles on your bicycle.
Made by Goodmorning Technology in Copenhagen, The Handlebar Basket easily transforms your bike into a carrying machine.
Implications - With the rising price of gas, more and more consumers are opting for less fuel-dependant ways to commute to work. Designs that focus on solving small problems that users on bikes might experience are poised for success. Companies ought to align their brand's values with those of the eco movement.
Image Credit: Goodmorning Technology
Made by Goodmorning Technology in Copenhagen, The Handlebar Basket easily transforms your bike into a carrying machine.
Implications - With the rising price of gas, more and more consumers are opting for less fuel-dependant ways to commute to work. Designs that focus on solving small problems that users on bikes might experience are poised for success. Companies ought to align their brand's values with those of the eco movement.
Image Credit: Goodmorning Technology
Trend Themes
1. Eco-friendly Commuting - Designs that focus on solving small problems that users on bikes might experience are poised for success.
2. Pet-friendly Bike Accessories - The rising popularity of biking with pets opens up opportunities for innovative pet-friendly bike accessories.
3. Convenience in Urban Transportation - As more consumers choose bikes for transportation, there is a growing need for innovative solutions that enhance convenience in urban biking.
Industry Implications
1. Outdoor Sports Equipment - The outdoor sports equipment industry has an opportunity to innovate and cater to the increasing demand for bike accessories that enhance functionality and convenience.
2. Eco-friendly Products - Companies within the eco-friendly products industry can align their brand's values with the growing eco movement by offering innovative and sustainable bike accessories.
3. Pet Supplies - The pet supplies industry can tap into the rising trend of biking with pets by developing innovative pet-friendly bike accessories and products.