Pimped Out Rides by Innocent Drinks
References: innocentdrinks
I am particularly taken by Grass & Daisy's smoothy vans. The dancing grass vans are best described as ice cream van pimped up by a countryside lover, on acid.
Not only does it look truly brilliant it even has hydraulics anyone on 'the street' would be proud of. So it literally does rock. Of course being covered in grass and flowers also means it will probably not be a car thief's first choice, and can always be found. On the downside is may not the easiest van in the world to paralell park.
Not only does it look truly brilliant it even has hydraulics anyone on 'the street' would be proud of. So it literally does rock. Of course being covered in grass and flowers also means it will probably not be a car thief's first choice, and can always be found. On the downside is may not the easiest van in the world to paralell park.
Trend Themes
1. Smoothie Vans - Opportunity for smoothie companies to create unique mobile experiences that capture attention and increase brand awareness.
2. Vehicle Customization - Growing trend of businesses customizing vehicles for unique branding and marketing opportunities.
3. Eco-friendly Marketing - Increased focus on eco-friendly marketing that aligns with consumer desire for sustainable practices.
Industry Implications
1. Beverage Industry - Smoothie vans present a disruptive innovation opportunity, allowing beverage companies to create unique mobile experiences and increase brand awareness through customized and branded vehicles.
2. Outdoor Event Industry - Customized smoothie vans can be used in outdoor events such as music festivals, marathons, and farmers markets to provide an eco-friendly and unique experience for consumers.
3. Automotive Industry - The trend of businesses customizing vehicles presents an opportunity for the automotive industry to offer specialized services and products tailored to unique branding and marketing needs.