Felicia Simion Finds Personal Meaning and Identity Through Her Camera
References: feliciasimionphotography & mymodernmet
The silent, yet loud photography of the Romanian-based Felicia Simion is sensitive and personal -- every photo feels like open-heart surgery. Her female subjects carry an unequivocal innocence that comes across in all the shots.
Simion is a very lyrical photographer who writes poetry with images and colors. From gloomy to sunny atmospheres, this series studies her passion to discover through art life and meaning. She explains in her website, "Art has made me a believer, a deceiver, a winner, a loser, a fighter, a thinker, a dreamer, a doer, a goer, and, above it all, it has made me myself." And this captivating self is what she displays in her photos; art is her medium to open up to the world, and the result is mesmerizing.
For Felicia Simion photography is an open diary that she certainly fills with delicate sentiments and beautiful captures.
Simion is a very lyrical photographer who writes poetry with images and colors. From gloomy to sunny atmospheres, this series studies her passion to discover through art life and meaning. She explains in her website, "Art has made me a believer, a deceiver, a winner, a loser, a fighter, a thinker, a dreamer, a doer, a goer, and, above it all, it has made me myself." And this captivating self is what she displays in her photos; art is her medium to open up to the world, and the result is mesmerizing.
For Felicia Simion photography is an open diary that she certainly fills with delicate sentiments and beautiful captures.
Trend Themes
1. Sensitive Photography - There is an opportunity for disruptive innovation in creating a new platform or technology that enhances the sensitivity and personal expression in photography.
2. Artistic Self-expression - Disruptive innovation can be explored in developing new tools or software that allows artists to express themselves more effectively and authentically through their chosen medium.
3. Emotional Storytelling - An opportunity for disruptive innovation exists in creating new techniques or mediums that enable photographers to tell emotional and captivating stories through their images.
Industry Implications
1. Photography - The photography industry can explore disruptive innovation by developing new tools, techniques, or platforms that enhance personal expression and emotional storytelling through images.
2. Art - Disruptive innovation opportunities lie in the art industry to develop new technologies or mediums that allow artists to express themselves authentically and communicate their emotions effectively.
3. Technology - The technology industry can explore disruptive innovation by creating new software or tools specifically designed to enhance the artistic expression and emotional impact in various creative mediums, including photography.