You'll Be Super Cool With This "Fan-Tastic" Fanbrella Umbrella
The Fanbrella umbrella solves this stormy situation! It's well-known that umbrellas are shielding shelters in showers and storms; however, in humid heat they are quite useless. This "fan-tastic" shower-shield fights fierce downpours while also minimizing stuffy storm air. The Fanbrella umbrella is the structural design as a traditional umbrella, yet has a very cool added feature. Underneath the canopy a small fan is attached to the umbrella's handle; when switched on, this tiny fan blows cool air on the users head. Since the fan is so small, no one is able to see it from the outside, and you can discreetly cool down in style.
The Fanbrella umbrella is ideal for scoring summer showers and will keep you dry and cool!
The Fanbrella umbrella is ideal for scoring summer showers and will keep you dry and cool!
Trend Themes
1. Breeze-blowing Umbrellas - Innovative umbrellas with built-in fans to provide a cooling breeze in hot and humid weather.
2. Discreet Cooling Technology - Innovations that provide cooling without being visible or obtrusive.
3. Combination Devices - Devices that combine multiple functions for convenience and efficiency.
Industry Implications
1. Outdoor Gear - Opportunities to incorporate cooling technology into outdoor gear such as tents and camping chairs.
2. Fashion Accessories - Potential for incorporating cooling technology into stylish and functional accessories such as hats and scarves.
3. Personal Cooling Devices - Opportunities for developing personal cooling devices such as wearable fans and cooling necklaces.