The Ekokook Kitchen Uses Earthworms for Waste Management
Katherinev123 — January 27, 2010 — Eco
Worms are the engines behind Faltazi's Ekokook kitchen. The designers Victor Massip and Laurent Lebot of Faltazi have created this concept system in which worms break down waste and water is recycled at the point where it is created: in the kitchen.
The Ekokook kitchen includes ultraponic pods, resevoirs for collecting water and containers with earthworms that break down waste, which can be found underneath the sinks and hanging from the ceiling.
Implications - This kitchen is the perfect example of how many consumers are going to extreme lengths to reinforce their green beliefs. While many companies were once able to get away with labeling themselves as eco-friendly, consumers now expect far superior eco-initiatives from a variety of companies.
The Ekokook kitchen includes ultraponic pods, resevoirs for collecting water and containers with earthworms that break down waste, which can be found underneath the sinks and hanging from the ceiling.
Implications - This kitchen is the perfect example of how many consumers are going to extreme lengths to reinforce their green beliefs. While many companies were once able to get away with labeling themselves as eco-friendly, consumers now expect far superior eco-initiatives from a variety of companies.
Trend Themes
1. Eco-kitchen Designs - Designing kitchens with eco-friendly features such as worm composting and water recycling.
2. Waste Management Innovation - Innovative waste management solutions like using earthworms to break down waste and promoting circular economy.
3. Residential Vertical Gardening - Growing plants vertically in hanging planters, especially in compact urban homes.
Industry Implications
1. Kitchen Appliances - Opportunities for kitchen appliance manufacturers to incorporate innovative eco-friendly features like ultraponic pods and water recycling systems.
2. Waste Management Services - Companies can invest in innovative waste management solutions like earthworm composting and expand their operations in the residential sector.
3. Vertical Garden Products - Companies can develop and market products for growing plants vertically in compact urban homes as the demand for indoor planting continues to grow.