Earth-Friendly Tape Adhesive is Made from Plants
Katie Cordrey — July 9, 2010 — Eco
References: content.usatoday & sustainablebusinessoregon
Oregon State University scientists were looking for a substance that could be used in the manufacture of wood composites when they accidentally discovered an earth-friendly tape adhesive. The vegetable-oil-based adhesive can be used for duct tape, packaging tape, and other pressure-sensitive adhesive products.
Because the new earth-friendly tape adhesive does not use petrochemicals, is completely renewable and has the potential to capture market share in the $26 billion adhesive industry, OSU has applied for a patent on the technology and is seeking a business partner.
Because the new earth-friendly tape adhesive does not use petrochemicals, is completely renewable and has the potential to capture market share in the $26 billion adhesive industry, OSU has applied for a patent on the technology and is seeking a business partner.
Trend Themes
1. Renewable Adhesives - The development of vegetable-oil-based adhesive opens up opportunities for renewable and eco-friendly adhesive solutions in various industries.
2. Sustainable Packaging - The earth-friendly tape adhesive can be used for packaging tape, indicating a trend towards sustainable and environmentally-conscious packaging solutions.
3. Bio-based Materials - The accidental discovery of a vegetable-powered adhesive highlights the potential for bio-based materials to disrupt traditional manufacturing processes and offer more sustainable alternatives.
Industry Implications
1. Adhesive Manufacturing - The vegetable-oil-based adhesive has the potential to disrupt the traditional petrochemical-based adhesive manufacturing industry by offering a renewable and eco-friendly alternative.
2. Packaging - The development of an earth-friendly tape adhesive presents an opportunity for the packaging industry to adopt more sustainable and eco-friendly packaging materials and solutions.
3. Wood Composites - The accidental discovery of the vegetable-powered adhesive could disrupt the wood composites industry by providing a renewable and environmentally-friendly bonding solution.