For Dad's Who Want to Be Cool
Pocket — January 6, 2007 — Life-Stages
References: dadgear
The trend is becoming more and more common for dads to stay home and look after the bubs while mum goes back to work. This is reiterated by the growing market for "dad friendly" products that take the man into consideration rather than just expecting him to carry around and use traditionally more "feminine" looking gear while carrying around the bub. Take this "Diaper Vest" from dadgear.com- looks like a normal outdoorsy vest you'd get from a camping store but comes complete with enough pocket space for nappies, wet wipes and even baby bottles.
Trend Themes
1. Rise of Dad-friendly Products - The growing market for dad-friendly products takes into consideration the needs and preferences of fathers, providing disruptive innovation opportunities for companies in this space.
2. Increased Responsibilities for Dads - The trend of dads staying home and looking after the children while mums go back to work presents disruptive innovation opportunities for businesses that cater to this new role and lifestyle.
3. Disguised Baby Gear - The emergence of baby gear that doesn't look traditionally 'babyish,' like the Diaper Vest, provides disruptive innovation opportunities for companies that create stylish and functional products for parents.
Industry Implications
1. Baby Products - The baby products industry can capitalize on the trend of dad-friendly products and create innovative solutions for fathers, such as functional and stylish gear like the Diaper Vest.
2. Outdoor Gear - Outdoor gear companies can tap into the rise of dad-friendly products by creating versatile and functional products that cater to the needs of fathers, combining style and practicality.
3. Work-life Balance Services - Companies in the work-life balance industry can offer services and solutions that support dads who take on the role of primary caregivers, helping them navigate and succeed in their new responsibilities.