Laser Targeting U.S Commercial Aircraft
There seems to be no end to the stupid things that people can do. The latest incidents of U.S commercial aircraft being targeted by green and red lasers is a good example of how unintelligent some pranksters might be.
This is a particularly brainless prank because of the inherent danger involved. When a laser beam intersects with the eye, a condition known as laser induced flash blindness can occur. This holds true especially for people accustomed to low light levels, like a pilot.
The first image shown here is a look at a human eye that has suffered a hemorrhage due to laser-induced flash-blindness. To see what damage a laser beam can cause a CD case, check out the video above.
This is a particularly brainless prank because of the inherent danger involved. When a laser beam intersects with the eye, a condition known as laser induced flash blindness can occur. This holds true especially for people accustomed to low light levels, like a pilot.
The first image shown here is a look at a human eye that has suffered a hemorrhage due to laser-induced flash-blindness. To see what damage a laser beam can cause a CD case, check out the video above.
Trend Themes
1. Laser-targeting Pranks - The trend of pranksters targeting commercial aircraft with lasers creates a need for innovative solutions to detect and prevent these dangerous incidents.
2. Laser-induced Flash Blindness - The trend of laser-induced flash blindness highlights the opportunity for protective eyewear technology advancements to minimize the impact on pilots and other individuals exposed to laser beams.
3. Public Safety Regulations - The trend of laser incidents prompts the need for stricter regulations and penalties to deter individuals from engaging in dangerous pranks with lasers.
Industry Implications
1. Aviation - The aviation industry can explore innovative technologies and protocols to detect laser incidents and protect pilots and passengers from potential harm.
2. Protective Eyewear - The protective eyewear industry can leverage the trend of laser-induced flash blindness to develop advanced eye protection solutions for individuals in high-risk professions.
3. Law Enforcement - Law enforcement agencies can take advantage of the trend of laser-targeting pranks to develop surveillance and tracking systems to identify and apprehend perpetrators.