Designer Nestron Teams with Tesla to Create the Cube Two Cabin
Elena Rahman — May 20, 2021 — Art & Design
References: & yankodesign
This 263 square foot getaway, dubbed the Cube Two Cabin, is designed in collaboration with the electric vehicle manufacturer, Tesla, and designer Nestron. Its prefabricated structure comes fitted with the latest home appliances, all of which are controllable via an AI assistant.
The futuristic exterior design boasts smooth curved corners for a welcoming feel, while the interior offers ample space for a family of four. Featuring two bedrooms and an open living area, the Cube Two provides a comfortable stay for its guests. In addition, a skylight spans the length of the cabin's ceiling, which fills the space with natural light and frames the starry night sky. This AI-infused design pushes the limits of architectural boundaries.
Image Credit: Yanko Design
The futuristic exterior design boasts smooth curved corners for a welcoming feel, while the interior offers ample space for a family of four. Featuring two bedrooms and an open living area, the Cube Two provides a comfortable stay for its guests. In addition, a skylight spans the length of the cabin's ceiling, which fills the space with natural light and frames the starry night sky. This AI-infused design pushes the limits of architectural boundaries.
Image Credit: Yanko Design
Trend Themes
1. AI-assisted Cabins - The integration of AI technology in cabin design presents an opportunity for more efficient home automation system
2. Futuristic Prefabricated Structures - The use of modern materials and AI technology provides a foundation for more sustainable, eco-friendly, and cost-effective housing alternatives
3. Integrated Smart Home Appliances - The incorporation of AI assistants in home appliances presents a potential for more seamless and hands-free home management experience
Industry Implications
1. Hospitality - The AI-assisted cabin design presents a new level of luxury and technology offering for vacation rentals and off-grid resorts
2. Real Estate and Construction - The prefabricated structure and AI integration in design provides a foundation for faster and more cost-effective construction and smart homes
3. Home Appliance and Electronic Industry - The integration of AI assistant technology in home appliances has the potential to transform the industry by creating more user-friendly and seamless experiences for consumers