Finally A Sound System for ‘Hard Rock' Music
References: copperandconcrete
Seattle artist Christopher Gronbeck came up with these rock solid speaker enclosures made out of concrete. Usually speaker enclosures or ‘boxes’ are made out of pressed wood panel or MDF. Not sure how these solid concrete speaker enclosures sound, but for the price ($700 per pair with drivers, $600 without) they better play well. At least you’ll know that there won’t be any mice making them their home. The boxes weigh 35lbs each.
It’s a great idea, surely they look good, but with no breathable space chambers. I'm not sure how the speakers
diaphragm will be able to vibrate.
It’s a great idea, surely they look good, but with no breathable space chambers. I'm not sure how the speakers
diaphragm will be able to vibrate.
Trend Themes
1. Concrete Speaker Enclosures - Providing a unique and durable alternative to traditional speaker enclosures, disrupting the audio industry.
2. Solid State Audio Technology - Exploring the potential for new solid state materials in audio technology, offering disruption in the consumer electronics industry.
3. Customized Audio Solutions - Providing consumers with the opportunity to customize sound systems with unique materials, disrupting the home audio industry.
Industry Implications
1. Audio Equipment Manufacturing - Concrete speaker enclosures offer a new product line for audio equipment manufacturers seeking to stand out in a crowded market.
2. Home Audio Systems - Customized audio solutions offer innovation opportunities for companies seeking to attract tech-savvy consumers who value personalization.
3. Materials Science - Solid state audio technology presents disruptive innovation opportunities for materials science companies looking to offer unique and sustainable audio solutions.