The 'Concept Bubble' Enhances Interaction with Strangers
Michael Hemsworth — December 19, 2020 — Autos
References: yankodesign
Commuting between locations for work or leisure purposes has become a somewhat isolated experience, so the 'Concept Bubble' has been designed as a way to help consumers interact with those around them.
The pod-like concept vehicle offers space for a single passenger and provides them with a comfortable space to sit back and relax as they transition between locations. The 360-degree rotating seat within will allow passengers to interact with one another when on the road.
The 'Concept Bubble' is the design work of Chuan Jiang and aims to offer urbanites an efficient way to get around town, while also enhancing their own ability to communicate with strangers. This could help individuals to stave off the effects of more solo lifestyles and keep them feeling like members of the larger community.
The pod-like concept vehicle offers space for a single passenger and provides them with a comfortable space to sit back and relax as they transition between locations. The 360-degree rotating seat within will allow passengers to interact with one another when on the road.
The 'Concept Bubble' is the design work of Chuan Jiang and aims to offer urbanites an efficient way to get around town, while also enhancing their own ability to communicate with strangers. This could help individuals to stave off the effects of more solo lifestyles and keep them feeling like members of the larger community.
Trend Themes
1. Commuter Interaction - The concept of enhancing social interaction during commuting by designing purposeful pods or communal areas.
2. Single-passenger Transport - The emergence of single-passenger transport solutions, aimed at enhancing privacy and comfort.
3. 360-degree Seating - Innovations that enable more flexible seating arrangements in transport solutions, allowing commuters to interact with each other.
Industry Implications
1. Transportation - The transportation industry can benefit from developing solutions that enhance passenger's social interaction, privacy, and comfort.
2. Autonomous Vehicles - Autonomous car manufacturers can explore the potential of enhancing the social experience of solo drivers.
3. Urban Planning - Urban planners and designers can plan communal areas or transport solutions that stimulate social interaction among commuters.