The 'Caregiver Aware' Service Offers Proactive Healthcare
Colin Smith — May 18, 2022 — Tech
References: cognitivesystems & cognitivesystems
'Cognitive Systems,' the Ontario-based wellness monitoring company most known for its flagship 'WiFi Motion' technology, launched 'Caregiver Aware,' a non-intrusive proactive healthcare solution for the home. Caregiver Aware is powered by the company's WiFi Motion technology, which allows it to leverage connected devices throughout the home without requiring additional hardware.
This results in Caregiver Aware being an end-to-end, non-intrusive healthcare monitoring solution for caregivers. The connected devices build a complete sensing system that records accurate movement data without being as intrusive as cameras. This means that the care providers can gain a good understanding of whether or not the individual being monitored has maintained consistent activity levels over time.
On top of this, Caregiver Aware places a strong emphasis on proactive healthcare rather than reactive healthcare. The system accomplishes this by compiling movement data and behavioral patterns based on the company's natural motion AI, which can then point out abnormalities in an individual's behavior that add risk factors.
Image Credit: Shutterstock
This results in Caregiver Aware being an end-to-end, non-intrusive healthcare monitoring solution for caregivers. The connected devices build a complete sensing system that records accurate movement data without being as intrusive as cameras. This means that the care providers can gain a good understanding of whether or not the individual being monitored has maintained consistent activity levels over time.
On top of this, Caregiver Aware places a strong emphasis on proactive healthcare rather than reactive healthcare. The system accomplishes this by compiling movement data and behavioral patterns based on the company's natural motion AI, which can then point out abnormalities in an individual's behavior that add risk factors.
Image Credit: Shutterstock
Trend Themes
1. Remote Healthcare Monitoring - The rise in remote healthcare monitoring technology presents opportunities to develop non-intrusive solutions for caregivers.
2. Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare - The integration of AI technology in healthcare monitoring can create more personalized and proactive healthcare solutions.
3. Connected Home Devices - Connected home devices can be leveraged to create end-to-end solutions for non-intrusive healthcare monitoring.
Industry Implications
1. Healthcare - The healthcare industry can benefit from implementing non-intrusive, remote healthcare monitoring solutions for caregivers.
2. Smart Home Technology - The rise in smart home technology opens opportunities for developing non-intrusive healthcare monitoring solutions using connected home devices.
3. Technology - The integration of artificial intelligence technology in healthcare monitoring is a disruptive innovation opportunity for the technology industry.