Ququq Designs the Busbox-4 for the VW ID.Buzz
References: ququq.info
The new BusBox-4 by Ququq turns any vehicle into a fully functioning camping site with all the necessities built into the design. This includes a bed, kitchen storage space, and water supply. It is a compact unit that can roll out all of its functions in a seamless manner.
The kitchen setup takes a matter of seconds and the bed folds out with a single motion for flexible travel. Additional details include the dual burner stove that is supported by wind protection when traveling out into complicated weather terrains. The bed rests on top of the back seats as the base support and the cold foam mattress is 10cm thick to ensure comfort. The box is easily fixed into the car with a strap to hold it in place safely.
Image Credit: Ququq
The kitchen setup takes a matter of seconds and the bed folds out with a single motion for flexible travel. Additional details include the dual burner stove that is supported by wind protection when traveling out into complicated weather terrains. The bed rests on top of the back seats as the base support and the cold foam mattress is 10cm thick to ensure comfort. The box is easily fixed into the car with a strap to hold it in place safely.
Image Credit: Ququq
Trend Themes
1. Compact Camping Vehicles - The trend of fully-functional compact camping vehicles powered by innovative designs and technologies.
2. Modular Camping Equipment - The trend of modular camping equipment designed to fit into any car as a space-saving alternative to traditional camping gear.
3. Seamless, Convenient Camping - The trend of easy-to-use and efficient camping equipment that maximizes convenience and comfort for campers on the go.
Industry Implications
1. Automotive Industry - The automotive industry can leverage innovative camping vehicle designs to create new product lines and expand their market reach among outdoor enthusiasts.
2. Camping Equipment Industry - The camping equipment industry can leverage modular designs to create space-saving gear that appeals to a wider audience and expands its product lines.
3. Tourism Industry - The tourism industry can leverage the trend of convenient and comfortable camping equipment to enhance the camping experience for travelers and appeal to younger, digital-savvy consumers.