The Unseen Art Project Turns Famous Paintings into 3D for the Blind to Feel
M — December 1, 2015 — Art & Design
References: & creativebloq
The Unseen Art project is a cleverly design initiative to make famous works of art more accessible to those that are suffering from a lack of sight or blindness by turning the iconic works into 3D sculptures. This way, those with sight issues can use touch to interact with the artwork and feel the painter's intentions without having to see them.
Losing one's sight is a tragic circumstance and one that can leave many at a loss to enjoy viewing their surroundings. The Unseen Art project offers a new way to experience art thanks to Marc Dillion that 3D-prints famous works such as the Mona Lisa by Leonardo Da Vinci that people can touch. The 3D nature of the piece lets people feel their way through the work through touch to understand the masterpiece.
Losing one's sight is a tragic circumstance and one that can leave many at a loss to enjoy viewing their surroundings. The Unseen Art project offers a new way to experience art thanks to Marc Dillion that 3D-prints famous works such as the Mona Lisa by Leonardo Da Vinci that people can touch. The 3D nature of the piece lets people feel their way through the work through touch to understand the masterpiece.
Trend Themes
1. Sensory-based Artwork - By creating 3D sculptures of famous paintings, the Unseen Art project demonstrates the potential for sensory-based artwork that can be experienced through touch.
2. Accessibility in Art - The Unseen Art project highlights the need for more accessible art experiences, opening up opportunities for innovation in creating inclusive artworks for those with sight issues.
3. Artistic Empathy - The Unseen Art project showcases the power of art in fostering empathy by allowing people to feel and experience masterpieces through touch, demonstrating the potential for artwork to connect on a deeper level.
Industry Implications
1. Art and Culture - The Unseen Art project creates disruption opportunities in the art and culture industry by challenging traditional notions of visual art and pushing for inclusivity through tactile experiences.
2. 3D Printing - The Unseen Art project utilizes 3D printing technology to transform two-dimensional artworks into tangible sculptures, indicating potential pathways for disruptive innovation in the 3D printing industry.
3. Assistive Technology - The Unseen Art project highlights the possibilities of assistive technology in creating immersive art experiences for individuals with sight issues, paving the way for disruptive innovation in the assistive technology industry.