Next time you go to a big shindig or networking event, why not make sure you really stand out from the crowd? Stick on an animated LED Digi-Badge and watch no one forget who you are or the organization you're with. It beats a white sticker covered in your chicken scratch, that's for sure!
Each Digi-Badge stores up to six messages, the brightness and speed can be adjusted and the battery lasts up to 24 hours, making it ideal for those events that go through the night!
They're self-programmable too, so you don't need any software to create your custom messages.
Each Digi-Badge stores up to six messages, the brightness and speed can be adjusted and the battery lasts up to 24 hours, making it ideal for those events that go through the night!
They're self-programmable too, so you don't need any software to create your custom messages.
Trend Themes
1. Animated LED Wearables - There is an opportunity to innovate with additional wearable products that use animated LED technology to stand out in a crowd.
2. Self-programmable Wearables - Creating opportunities to develop further wearable products with self-programmable technology could add value to this field.
3. Customizable LED Displays - Opportunities exist to create other products with customizable LED displays that users can program with their own messages.
Industry Implications
1. Event and Conference - There is an opportunity to sell and distribute animated LED name tags to event and conference organizers to use for attendees.
2. Retail and Merchandising - Fashion and merchandise companies could use animated LED displays to promote their products and services in store and at events.
3. Tech and Gadget - There is an opportunity to create tech and gadget products using animated LED displays to appeal to tech enthusiasts and early adopters.