The Vibram Arctic Grip Features a Embossed Treads for Added Traction
References: us.vibram & hiconsumption
The Vibram Arctic Grip system offers a winterized sneaker sole for added traction that adds embossed and thick treads for better stability when running, walking and hiking. The design is a mix between Vibram's IceTreak and Arctic Ice Grips that add an exclusive rubber bottom to the sole to ensure wearer's have unwavering traction at all times.
During the winter months ice, snow and slush are prevalent making surfaces difficult and often slippery to walk on. The Vibram Arctic Grip improves traction with non-slip rubber and protruding square treads for better grip. The soles are also engineered to change in color to indicate wear and when it is time to change the soles out for a new pair.
During the winter months ice, snow and slush are prevalent making surfaces difficult and often slippery to walk on. The Vibram Arctic Grip improves traction with non-slip rubber and protruding square treads for better grip. The soles are also engineered to change in color to indicate wear and when it is time to change the soles out for a new pair.
Trend Themes
1. Winterized Sneaker Soles - The Vibram Arctic Grip offers embossed treads for better traction, signaling an opportunity for winterized footwear innovations.
2. Improved Traction - The use of non-slip rubber and protruding square treads in the Vibram Arctic Grip suggests potential for enhancing traction in various industries and applications.
3. Wearable Outsole Technology - The color-changing feature of the Vibram Arctic Grip sole presents an opening for wearable tech advancements in the footwear industry.
Industry Implications
1. Athletic Footwear - The winterized Vibram Arctic Grip soles create a disruptive innovation opportunity for athletic shoe brands in providing improved traction and durability.
2. Outdoor Gear - The incorporation of the Vibram Arctic Grip system opens up avenues for disruptive innovation in the outdoor gear industry, encouraging the development of winter-specific products with better traction.
3. Industrial Safety - The non-slip rubber and enhanced grip technology in the Vibram Arctic Grip could inspire disruptive innovation in industrial safety equipment, particularly for workers operating in slippery environments.