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African-Inspired Fashion Styles
African-Inspired Fashion Styles
This SS13 Fair + True Collection Features Ethical Fashion Looks
Fair + True is an ethical fashion brand that is bringing bold and bright African-inspired prints to the streets of London. These colourful fair trade prints are a big hit with the hip crowd and... MORE
Glamorous Multi-Tasking Swimsuits
Glamorous Multi-Tasking Swimsuits
Luxury Swimwear to Take You from Pool to Party
Designer swimsuits are a key part of any luxury travellers holiday wardrobe, but those who are really in the know make the most of their suitcase space by packing items that are versatile and multi-... MORE
Electric Floral Frocks
Electric Floral Frocks
Warehouse Floral Dresses Will Make Your Eyes Pop
These Warehouse floral dresses are back on for summer 2011, but this time they are falling into two main categories: the romantic and subtle ditsy floral print dresses, and the eye-poppingly bright floral… MORE
Couture-Styling Contests
Couture-Styling Contests
Win Clothes For SS11 with the Shopping Forecast
The Shopping Forecast, a ground breaking new social network that allows shoppers to decide what they want to see in the shops, has recently launched some amazing stylist contests which allow you to make… MORE
Environmentally Aware Footwear
Environmentally Aware Footwear
Snuggle Up in Cozy Po-Zu Ethical Ugg Boots
Ethical Ugg boots are the latest footwear items for those with a conscience who want to keep their feet cozy this winter. Perfect for the environmentally aware, the Po-Zu boots are made in an ethical… MORE
Sandal-Ready Socks
Sandal-Ready Socks
Tabio Speciality Japanese Footwear
Wearing sandals and socks used to be a bit of joke, but the Japanese specialist sock store Tabio has a range of fun and stylish socks that can be can be worn with sandals for a great look. The Tabi is… MORE
Fashionable Woodland Styles
Fashionable Woodland Styles
The Daydream Nation AW10 Line is Gorgeously Composed
Using an immense amount of creativity in their designs, the brand presents plenty of intricate pieces within their Daydream Nation AW10 line. The series, inspired by Italo Calvino’s novel ‘Baron on… MORE
Coconut Flip-Flops
Coconut Flip-Flops
Po-ZU Natural Footwear Uses Springy Coconut Fiber for Eco-Comfort
It may not sound particularly comfortable, but Po-ZU natural footwear is made with a unique foot mattress made from coconut fiber for an incredibly pleasurable experience. Coconut fiber is 100% natural,… MORE
Blooming Legwear
Blooming Legwear
Floral Trousers and Leggings for Spring/Summer
The spring and summer trend for floral print goes beyond the ubiquitous floral summer dress with the more daring floral trousers and leggings. Bright, colorful and very eye-catching, these trousers are… MORE
Adult Playsuits
Adult Playsuits
Jumpsuits, Onesies & Ready to Go Outfits for SS10
Jumpsuits are back again for SS10, but don’t worry if you have struggled to find a style to suit you in the past, there are plenty of jumpsuits to choose from this season and definitely something to suit… MORE
Grayscale Streaks
Grayscale Streaks
Is Gray the New Ageism-Defying Blonde for Highlighted Hair?
First noticed on the couture catwalks of Chanel and Dior for SS10, growing old gracefully or sporting grayscale streaks in one's hair is obviously in vogue. The latest sighting of this rather strange phenomenon… MORE
Flirty Valentine Frocks
Flirty Valentine Frocks
Boohoo Cut Out Heart Prom Dresses Are Luella-Inspired
The Luella label may no longer be around but her influence lives on in the form of these gorgeous heart cut out prom dresses by, inspired by her SS10 collection. The look takes the classic… MORE