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22 Wicked Weather Finds

From Storm Chasing Bloggers to Cyclone-Inspired Lookbooks

— July 16, 2012 — Eco
Natural disasters and crazy storms are deemed more normal than freak-phenomenon nowadays and these wicked weather finds only show our undying infatuation with such unfortunate occurrences.

We have seen major natural disasters strike every single year, with some of the most recent being the earthquake in Japan, flooding everywhere from Russia to the UK and twisting tornados ravaging America. Though these are known safety hazards, some individuals are totally bent on disregarding extreme weather warnings, capturing great shots and videos of such scary storms for us. Adrenaline or photography-loving junkies capture rain, desert and snow storms to retell their frightening stories while producing dramatic pieces of art.

It takes a passionate person to watch a deadly hurricane unfold -- is this a pastime really worth risking one's life for?
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Terrifying Thunderstorm Timelapses
Terrifying Thunderstorm Timelapses
The Jon Simonassi 'Lightning TO' Video is Striking
Cyclone-Inspired Lookbooks
Cyclone-Inspired Lookbooks
ROARK 2012 Spring/Summer 'Wind' Short Film is Gust of Men's Fashion
Solar Storm Videos
Solar Storm Videos
The Norway Flared Northern Lights are Shot Beautifully
Moving Whirlwind Videos
Moving Whirlwind Videos
This 'Biking in Hurricane Irene' Clip Ventures Through New York
Haunting Hurricane Footage
Haunting Hurricane Footage
The Buffalo Picture House Hurricane Irene Video is Heartstopping
Bad Weather Remixes
Bad Weather Remixes
London Snow Disaster Turned Entertainment By Video Mix Master
Natural Disaster Recreations
Natural Disaster Recreations
Jennifer Shaw's Hurricane Story Retells Her Traumatic Experience
Viral Storm Videos
Viral Storm Videos
Chicago Lightning Strikes Three Tall Buildings at Once
Slow-Motion Snowstorms
Slow-Motion Snowstorms
'The First Snow' by Reid Carrescia Makes the White Stuff Look Heavenly
Surreal Surf Shoots
Surreal Surf Shoots
Intersections by Alessandro Puccinelli Focuses on Ocean Shots
Storm-Chasing Photographers
Storm-Chasing Photographers
Nick Moir is Obsessed with Wild Weather and His Work Proves It
Stormy Sports Gear
Stormy Sports Gear
The Nike Running Holiday 2011 'Rain' Collection Keeps Joggers Dry
Sultry Snowstorm Spreads
Sultry Snowstorm Spreads
White Touch Estel Photoshoot Directed by Vlad Agafontse
Thunderstorm Interiors
Thunderstorm Interiors
This Sculpture by The Glue Society is Dripping With Meaning
Grayscale Storm Photography
Grayscale Storm Photography
Mitch Dobrowner Captures Natural Disasters Beautifully
Disaster-Inspired Fashion Photography
Disaster-Inspired Fashion Photography
The Work of Phillip Toledano
Monstrous Storm Photography
Monstrous Storm Photography
'The Big Cloud: The Lovely Monster' Photo Series is Breathtaking
Stormy Retro Editorials
Stormy Retro Editorials
The Marie Claire Italia April 2012 Cover Shoot Stars Alexandra Tomlinson
Hurricane HDR
Hurricane HDR
Hurricane Ike Inspired Photography
Desert Storm Editorials
Desert Storm Editorials
The Nadia Serlidou Spread for Mirror Magazine
Storm Chasing Bloggers
Storm Chasing Bloggers
10 Killer Storm Photos