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25 Unique UFOs

Unidentified Flying Objects, from Text Messaging to Chandeliers

— August 18, 2009 — Art & Design
Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs) are a trivial phenomenon that has been around since the belief of extra-terrestrial life forms. Unidentified Flying Objects are “sighted” frequently, however, nobody truly knows whether they are fact or fiction.

Instead of tirelessly hunting for crazy, suspicious Unidentified Flying Objects, why not just check out the 25 unique UFOs right here, from juicers to architecture?

Implications - Even though these are man-made pieces, it's still pretty impressive. It probably won't interest Mulder and Scully considering its humanistic nature, but most people will look at these ships with curious wonder. Whether it's real or fiction, there's no doubt that there are many who are fascinated with the world of sci-fi.
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