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71 Handy Travel Gadgets

From Portable Diagnostic Gadgets to Novelty USB Humidifiers

— March 31, 2015 — World
Modern travel often requires you to keep more than just your passport, flight ticket and a magazine on you; if anything, seeing as how you can often flash your boarding pass on your cellphone these days, travel gadgets will have taken precedence as amongst the first items you pack.

Nowadays, it's pretty easy to carry all kinds of gadgets on you. This necessitates charging solutions, which a lot of manufacturers have come up with. Good charging devices allow you to charge multiple devices simultaneously and easily without taking up much room, and there are a multitude of such options available.

Worried about the air in your hotel room being too dry? There's a USB humidifier for that. Think you'll want to flip some hip-hop joints in your free time between work meetings? There's a portable turntable for that! At the end of the day, all of these devices enable you take your life with you when you go -- and that means taking both the necessities and the luxuries.
Key Chain Chargers
Key Chain Chargers
The GOKey Keychain Packs a Lot of Power and Storage for Your Smartphone
Data Backup Chargers
Data Backup Chargers
Bleep is a Phone Charger That Powers Up a Battery & Backs Up Data
Flexible Fold-Up Keyboards
Flexible Fold-Up Keyboards
The Adesso Keyboard Can Be Rolled Up, Tucked Away & Carried Anywhere
Heavy-Duty Truck Chargers
Heavy-Duty Truck Chargers
The Trukbaar Electric Fast-Charger Can Charge Buses and Trucks
Portable Media Streamers
Portable Media Streamers
The Amazon Fire TV Stick is an Efficient Way to Stream
Wireless Smartphone Chargers
Wireless Smartphone Chargers
This Wireless Charging System Can Charge 40 Smartphones at a Time
Tiny Luggage Scales
Tiny Luggage Scales
Balanzza MINI is the Smallest and Lightest Digital Scale
Mobile Wi-Fi Sticks
Mobile Wi-Fi Sticks
MTS' Mblaze Ultra is Optimized for High Speed Data Services
Multi-Tablet Outlets
Multi-Tablet Outlets
Fuel Two iPads in No Time with the Dual Travel Charging Hub
Portable Stereo Microphones
Portable Stereo Microphones
The iRig Mic Field Converts iOS Devices into Portable Stereo Recorders
Compact Wifi Connectors
Compact Wifi Connectors
This Wifi Signal Extender Improves Net Access for Multiple Devices
Smart Travel Internet Routers
Smart Travel Internet Routers
The Satechi Smart Travel Router Combines a Router & Travel Adapter
Handy Travel Hotspots
Handy Travel Hotspots
The Verizon Jetpack 4G LTE Lets You Access Your Email from 205 Countries
Stylish Knapsack Chargers
Stylish Knapsack Chargers
The Phorce Smart Bag Caters to All of Your Charging Needs
Ultra-Compact Wireless Boom Boxes
Ultra-Compact Wireless Boom Boxes
The Bose Soundlink Mini Packs a Punch in a Seriously Small Size
Supercharged Wireless Speakers
Supercharged Wireless Speakers
The Core Wireless Speaker Generates a Sonic Hologram
Feminine Device Chargers
Feminine Device Chargers
The Zipstick Powerbank by AR for her is a Practical Safety Device
Strip Screen Translators
Strip Screen Translators
The View Trans Helps to Decode Foreign Languages from Written Text
Nomad Gadget Boosters
Nomad Gadget Boosters
Roll Up Travel Charger Energizes Several Devices for Those On-the-Go
Galactic Character Chargers
Galactic Character Chargers
This R2-D9 Smartphone Car Charger is Ideal for Powering Up On-the-Go
Ultra-Slim Travel Adapters
Ultra-Slim Travel Adapters
The AviiQ Slim Travel Adapter is Space-Efficient with a Folding Outlet
Iconic Bluetooth Headphones
Iconic Bluetooth Headphones
The A-Audio Icon Headphones Deliver Unparalleled Rich Sound
Fingerprint-Scanning Passport Cases
Fingerprint-Scanning Passport Cases
The Identity-Securing iPassport Can Be Seen at CES 2015
Communal Circular Chargers
Communal Circular Chargers
The Belkin Meeting Room Power Center Battery Charger Fits Four Outlets
Palm-Sized Portable Washers
Palm-Sized Portable Washers
The Dolfi Washing Machine is as Compact as Your Computer Mouse
Galactic Gadget Chargers
Galactic Gadget Chargers
This Fun USB Car Charger Looks Like R2D2 From the Sci-Fi Series Star Wars
Novelty USB Humidifiers
Novelty USB Humidifiers
This Fun Air Mist Humidifier Looks Like a Mini Rice Cooker
Wireless Phone Chargers
Wireless Phone Chargers
The uBeam Uses Ultrasound Transmission to Charge Phones From a Distance
Dessert Device Chargers
Dessert Device Chargers
The Ice Cream Sandwich Power Bank Charges Your Phone in a Delicious Way
Portable Conference Webcams
Portable Conference Webcams
The Logitech ConferenceCam Connect Makes It Easier to Teleconference
Travel-Friendly Printers
Travel-Friendly Printers
The Epson PX-S05 is Small Enough to Slip into a Carry-On
Thumbdrive-Sized Cameras
Thumbdrive-Sized Cameras
The Bemo Social Video Camera Comes in Three Fun-Loving Colors
Triple-Headed USB Chargers
Triple-Headed USB Chargers
Samsung's Multi-Charging Wall Charger Can Charge Three Devices at Once
Portable Backpack Chargers
Portable Backpack Chargers
The GoPlug Bags Enable Users to Charge Smartphones and Laptops
Travel Air Purifiers
Travel Air Purifiers
This Portable Air Purifier is Designed for Use on the Go
Accelerated Device Chargers
Accelerated Device Chargers
The Legion Meter is an Ultra Fast Phone Charger
Cable Travel Bags
Cable Travel Bags
These Handy Cable Organizer Bags Keep Traveling with Tech Tidy
Slip 'n' Slide Power Hubs
Slip 'n' Slide Power Hubs
The Skross World Twin USB Charger Will Energize Your Device Anywhere
Comfy Moldable Earbuds
Comfy Moldable Earbuds
These Nixon Socket Headphones are Soft and Stylish
Portable USB Charging Cables
Portable USB Charging Cables
The Sparrow Flash Drive and Charger Sits On Your Key Chain
Utility Clip Chargers
Utility Clip Chargers
The NomadClip Charge Cable Looks Like a Carabiner Clip
Stackable Phone Chargers
Stackable Phone Chargers
The Modulo Phone Charger is Pocket-Sized and Super Powerful
Rubik's Cube Chargers
Rubik's Cube Chargers
An Automatic Switch-Off Charger Keeps Your Device from Overheating
Plush Portable Cable Carriers
Plush Portable Cable Carriers
The Portable Charging Station Holds up to Four Power-Only Hubs
Powerful Portable Chargers
Powerful Portable Chargers
The Powertrekk 2.0 Can Charge the Most Power-Hungry Gadgets
Solar-Powered Battery Chargers
Solar-Powered Battery Chargers
SPOR by David Hunt and Jason Browne is Bite-Sized for Everyday Use
Locating Luggage Tags
Locating Luggage Tags
The Samsonite Stork Bag Tag Keeps Tabs on Your Possessions in Transit
Multi-Functional Gadget Chargers
Multi-Functional Gadget Chargers
A-Solar Travel Pal Does More than Just Boost Power
Utiliatarian Smartphone Clips
Utiliatarian Smartphone Clips
The franc iPhone Card Case is Minimalism at its Best
Micro-Sized Music Players
Micro-Sized Music Players
The Soundmatters Bluetooth Speaker Fits Perfectly Inside Your Pocket
Portable Washing Machines
Portable Washing Machines
The 'Venus' Contraption Turns Buckets Into Washing Machines
Water Bottle Air Moisteners
Water Bottle Air Moisteners
The 'Jerry Travel Humidifier' is a Portable Solution to Breathable Air
Multi-Device Chargers
Multi-Device Chargers
CES 2015 Introduces the Powerdock Pro, a Powerful All-In-One Charger
Sleek Wearable Chargers
Sleek Wearable Chargers
Always Carry a Charge and Look Good with the QBracelet
Wireless Smartphone Chargers
Wireless Smartphone Chargers
The Dog & Bone Wireless Charging Case is Your iPhone's Best Friend
Electronic LED Clocks
Electronic LED Clocks
The Equinox Clock Uses Both Hands of Light and Dark to Display the Time
Tiny Portable Chargers
Tiny Portable Chargers
The Megalo Mini is Small Enough to Hook Onto a Keychain
Wearable Sleep-Inducing Devices
Wearable Sleep-Inducing Devices
The Sleep Bracelet Helps People Get to Sleep Faster
Lightweight Tablet Satchels
Lightweight Tablet Satchels
Padded Ballistic Nylon Travel Case Helps Carry iPads with Ease
Powerful Charger Backpacks
Powerful Charger Backpacks
TYLT's Energi+ Power Backpack Charges Three Devices on the Go
Human Powered Phone Chargers
Human Powered Phone Chargers
The Charging Clip Uses Expelled Energy to Charge Your Phone
Portable Coffee Contraptions
Portable Coffee Contraptions
The Stanley Vacuum Coffee System Includes a Mug, Pot and French Press
Two-in-One Water Warmers
Two-in-One Water Warmers
The Aroma Thermo-Kettle Heats Your Drink Directly and Remains Hot
Thundering Portable Speakers
Thundering Portable Speakers
The Creative Sound Blaster Roar Offers Big Sound In a Small Package
Hydrogen-Powered Travel Chargers
Hydrogen-Powered Travel Chargers
The Brunton Hydrogen Reactor Charges in a Scientific Manner
Connectable Usb Sticks
Connectable Usb Sticks
The Uniting U Disk Can Link Up with Others to Increase Your Storage Space
Scroll Solar Chargers
Scroll Solar Chargers
Rollable Eco Gadget Harnesses the Sun's Energy to Keep Your Phone's Power On
Pedal-Powered Chargers
Pedal-Powered Chargers
Nokia's Bike-Powered Cell Phone Chargers are Pedal Powerful
Carry-Around Phone Chargers
Carry-Around Phone Chargers
The Portable Backup Battery is Small Enough to Pack in Your Pocket