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38 Transparent Kitchenware Items

From Transparent Toaster Designs to Glowing Water Warmers

— October 16, 2013 — Art & Design
These transparent kitchenware items are a fantastically practical way to visually keep track of what you're cooking or pouring as you do it.

When it comes to cooking or preparing meals in the kitchen, being able to see what you're doing is key, which is why these transparent kitchenware items are perfectly suited to showcase exactly what's happening inside. Featuring such unique aspects as transparent exterior designs and clear glass frameworks, these contemporary pieces of kitchenware allow you to examine your food or drinks even when placed within these containers or cooking devices.

From transparent toaster ovens that allow you to visually observe how dark the bread is getting to crystal clear refrigerators and see-through ovens, these transparent kitchenware items will surely make cooking a meal a little less stressful.
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Crystal Clear Cuddle Cups
Crystal Clear Cuddle Cups
The Liquid Skin Drinking Glass Has You Sip Like Second Nature
Clear Curvy Carafes
Clear Curvy Carafes
This Brita Water Jug Concept Matches the Fluid Nature of its Contents
Ambient Illuminating Teapots
Ambient Illuminating Teapots
Leif Kettle Creates a Comfortable Mood with Dim Light and Warm Drink
Lovely Leather-Bound Bottles
Lovely Leather-Bound Bottles
Wrap Glassware Serves Up a Gorgeous Blend of Old and New Design
Exquisite Avian Oil Dispensers
Exquisite Avian Oil Dispensers
The Humming Bird Salad Dressing Set Draws Liquid by a Slender Beak
Slender Fluid Filters
Slender Fluid Filters
Elegant Tower Glassware Purifies Tap Water for a Perfect Hydrating Drink
Stylish See-Through Teacups
Stylish See-Through Teacups
Tazzezen Collection Lets You Appreciate the Rich Color of Your Drink
Deceptively Stacked Decanters
Deceptively Stacked Decanters
The H2eau Carafe and Glass Looks like Plastic Cups
Alarming Antarctic Ice Buckets
Alarming Antarctic Ice Buckets
The Polar Ice Bucket by Qualy Mimics Global Warming in the Arctic
Charging Bull Decanters
Charging Bull Decanters
The Glass Decanter from 'NY Cruets' is Shaped Like a Bull
Transparent Tea Kettles
Transparent Tea Kettles
The Infinitea Teapot Lets You Watch the Teabagging as It Happens
Beautiful Boiling Canteens
Beautiful Boiling Canteens
The Urban Billy Embodies Contemporary Design and Traditional Technology
Self-Contained Shakers
Self-Contained Shakers
SaltSide Out Dispenser Stores Sodium Chloride in the Receptacle's Surrounds
Stackable Snack Jars
Stackable Snack Jars
The 'Three Tiered Stacking Jars' Showcases Scrumptious Treats in Style
Orb-Shaped Ovens
Orb-Shaped Ovens
The Microwave SymB Heats Your Meals in a Revolutionary Way
Chemist-Inspired Stemware
Chemist-Inspired Stemware
The Shared Glass Collection Combines Community and Uniqueness
Bell-Shaped Brie-Buffers
Bell-Shaped Brie-Buffers
The Studio NOCC Overcover Protects Cheese From Exposure
Psychedelic Cocktail Makers
Psychedelic Cocktail Makers
Electrolux Shake Helps Choose Ingredients and Centrifugally Mixes Them
Pellucid Beverage Pitchers
Pellucid Beverage Pitchers
The Norm Glass Kettle Teapot Lets You Visually Experience Your Tea
Elegant Segmented Receptacles
Elegant Segmented Receptacles
The Juuri Series Comprises Complementary Containers
Revealing Refrigerators
Revealing Refrigerators
The Window Fridge by Yoonjung Kim and Jongrok Lee
Digit-Imprinted Drinking Glasses
Digit-Imprinted Drinking Glasses
Finger-In Cups Provide Added Grip Through an Invisible Hand
Slumping See-Through Flasks
Slumping See-Through Flasks
The Sede Carafe Seems to Sag Beneath the Weight of its Own Spout
Compartmentalized Containers
Compartmentalized Containers
Black + Blum's Bento Box Container Fits Food Essentials
Glowing Water Warmers
Glowing Water Warmers
The Binatone CelsiuS Kettle Indicates Temperature with a Color-Coded Glow
Tree-Like Toasters
Tree-Like Toasters
The Transparent Tree Toaster by Xu Yan Xiang Holds Slices Like Leaves
Compartmentalizing Culinary Tools
Compartmentalizing Culinary Tools
One Stop Chop Cutting Board Facilitates Ingredient Organization
Floating Liquid Glasses
Floating Liquid Glasses
The Float Tea Cup by Molo Design Plays Tricks on the Eyes
Eloquent Lemon Squeezers
Eloquent Lemon Squeezers
The 'Press Art Lemon and Lime Squeezer' is Perfect for Extracting Juice
Water Level-Indicating Cups
Water Level-Indicating Cups
This Coffee Cup Cautions the Visually Impaired
Space Age Tea Sets
Space Age Tea Sets
Have High Tea With Style With Futuristic Designs
Transparent Toaster Design
Transparent Toaster Design
Invisible Pop Can Cups
Invisible Pop Can Cups
The Coke Can Glass Creatively Looks Like a Transparent Pop Can
Hi-Tech Meal Heaters
Hi-Tech Meal Heaters
The Electrolux Cortina Kettle Warms Food the Futuristic Way
Low-Tech Culinary Contraptions
Low-Tech Culinary Contraptions
The Guillotine Kitchen Scale Makes Basic Function Contemporary
Multitasking Coffee Cups
Multitasking Coffee Cups
The Perk Travel Mug is an Infuser, a Kettle and a Vessel All in One
Computer-Powered Microwaves
Computer-Powered Microwaves
My Lunchbox Leaves the Task of Heating Meals to Your Office Desktop
See-Through Toasters
See-Through Toasters
Transparent Magimix Toaster Lets You Eyeball the Perfect Shade of Brown
Poetic Hourglass Infusers
Poetic Hourglass Infusers
The Tea-Time Brewer Marks its Progress Transparently