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19 Examples of Terrific Timberland Footwear

From Classic Tan Boots to Colorful Sailing Shoes

— January 30, 2013 — Eco
Timberland footwear is most notably recognized for its classic tan boots. The outdoorsmen brand Timberland has been around since 1973, but has been in the business of boots and shoes for decades prior.

In the 80s and 90s, the brand got an urban boost from countless New York rappers who began wearing Timberland boots. It became a staple of urban street fashion and crossed over to a demographic of young rap lovers who previously did not purchase the boots. The company now produces an array of boots that come in high tops and mid tops.

However, Timberland creates more than just a single kind of boot. The colorful boat shoe Timberland did with 10 Corso Como is one example of the brand expanding its product line.

Whatever the model, Timberland footwear is synonymous with quality, durability and timelessness.
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Contrasting Couture Galoshes
Contrasting Couture Galoshes
The Alexander McQueen Paneled Boots are Seasonally Chic
Green Crib Kicks
Green Crib Kicks
The Timberland Earth Keepers Lounger is a Comfy and Green House Shoe
Cufflink Kicks
Cufflink Kicks
Gabriel Urist Designs Timberland-esqe Wrist Bling
Street-Ready Climbing Kicks
Street-Ready Climbing Kicks
The Bape Mountain Soldier Hiking Boots are Perfect for Winter
Hip Hop Hiking Kicks
Hip Hop Hiking Kicks
The Timerberland and Starks Collaboration is a Match Made in Rap Heaven
Hip-Hop Crossover Kicks
Hip-Hop Crossover Kicks
The White Mountaineering Timberland Mashup Produces Great Results
Colorful Sailing Kicks
Colorful Sailing Kicks
10 Corso Como and Timberland Give Boat Shoes a Colorful Redesign
Tough Zipped Footwear
Tough Zipped Footwear
Mastermind JAPAN x Timberland Boots Shows Off a Rock Attitude
Blizzard-Banishing Boots
Blizzard-Banishing Boots
The Timberland GT Scramble Waterproof Hi Tops Encourage Epic Travels
Earth-Friendly Boat Shoes
Earth-Friendly Boat Shoes
The Timberland Earthkeepers are 90% Recyclable and Can be Disassembled
Hip-Hop Duck Boots
Hip-Hop Duck Boots
10 Deep and Timberland Collaborate for 'The Mighty Ducks'
Tough Guy Female Footwear
Tough Guy Female Footwear
Timberland Creates Women Friendly Shoe Collection
Urban-Infused Outdoor Footwear
Urban-Infused Outdoor Footwear
The Supreme x Timberland Euro Hiker Boot Holds Up Under all Terrain
Eco-Conscious Work Boots
Eco-Conscious Work Boots
The Yele Haiti Collaboration Product Line Saves the World
Native Roll-Top Boots
Native Roll-Top Boots
The Timberland & Pendleton Roll-Top Boot is Too Cool for Camping
Hiking Boot Kicks
Hiking Boot Kicks
Nike Air Royal Mid Combines a Hip Hop Timberland Shoe Look
Shipshape Suede Boots
Shipshape Suede Boots
The Timberland 7 Eye Chukka Boat is a Leather Bonanza
Foldable Featherweight Footwear
Foldable Featherweight Footwear
The Timberland Radler Trail Camp Shoe is a Portable Hiking Boot
High Class Hiking Boots
High Class Hiking Boots
The Timberlake Abington Shoes are Probably Not for the Trails