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26 Tech-Savvy Gloves and Mittens

From Motion Sensor Mittens to Protective Gamer Gloves

— December 10, 2012 — Tech
If you're the type of person who never puts down their gadget no matter how cold the weather gets, then these tech-savvy gloves and mittens will be right up your alley. These gloves and mittens are some of the geekiest pieces of winter wear around.

Gloves designed to let you use a touchscreen gadget in the cold are great and all, but they're nothing compared to augmented reality gloves and warming mittens powered by via USB. These tech-savvy gloves and mittens prove that the best way to enhance any design is to add a little tech to it. If you are trying to find something to look forward to this weekend, then you need to check all of these geeky gloves and mitts out.
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Motorized Mittens
Motorized Mittens
Prototype Vibrating Gloves Will Improve the Sensitivity of Your Extremities
Augmented Reality Gloves
Augmented Reality Gloves
T(ether) Allows People to Collaborate in a Virtual Space
Protective Gamer Gloves
Protective Gamer Gloves
CTA Digital Creates Play Station Ultimate Boxing Gloves for Protected Play
Chic Touchscreen Gloves
Chic Touchscreen Gloves
These Leather Touchscreen Gloves Don't Compromise Style for Functionality
Feline Smartphone Apparel
Feline Smartphone Apparel
The Hello Kitty Touch Screen Gloves Keeps You Warm While Messaging
Heat-Regulating Gauntlets
Heat-Regulating Gauntlets
The Chaval Response XRT Gloves Responds to the Temperature of the Hands
Hyper Functional Tech Mitts
Hyper Functional Tech Mitts
The Touchscreen Agloves are Made with Special Silver Yarn
Wireless Controller Hand Warmers
Wireless Controller Hand Warmers
BEARTek Gloves Let You Command Mobile Devices Using Hand Gestures
Hi-Tech Winter Mitts
Hi-Tech Winter Mitts
North Face ETIP Gloves Provides Strong Grip & Warm Hands
Bluetooth-Enabling Mitts
Bluetooth-Enabling Mitts
High-Call Gloves Will Keep Your Hands Warm This Winter
Bluetooth Telephone Mittens
Bluetooth Telephone Mittens
Hi-Fun Gloves Give New Meaning to the Saying "Talk to the Hand"
Smart Fingerless Mittens
Smart Fingerless Mittens
The Etre ‘Touchy' Gloves are Compatible with Devices
USB-Powered Gloves
USB-Powered Gloves
USB Heated Mittens Make It Impossible to Avoid Work
Tech-Savvy Winter Wear
Tech-Savvy Winter Wear
Stay in 'Touch' with Your Apple Products with the FIVEPOINT Gloves
Networking Safety Gloves
Networking Safety Gloves
Frontline Gloves are Designed to Help Firefighters Communicate
Communication Via Fingertip
Communication Via Fingertip
HR Burton Gloves Provide Music, Phone for Snowboarders
MP3 Gadget Control Mitts
MP3 Gadget Control Mitts
Gear up for the Winter with the Burton Mix Master Gloves
Gadget-Friendly Winter Gloves
Gadget-Friendly Winter Gloves
Isotoner SmarTouch Touch Screen-Compatible Gloves
Motion Sensor Mittens
Motion Sensor Mittens
These Colorful Lycra Gloves Use a Gesture-Based Computer Interface
Mobile Device Gloves
Mobile Device Gloves
Freehands for Cold-Weather Texting
Musical Gloves
Musical Gloves
Piano Hands Make Impromptu Recitals Possible
Vegan-Friendly Tech Gloves
Vegan-Friendly Tech Gloves
These Faux Leather Gloves Allow Touchscreen Use with Warmth
Magical Sci-Fi Gloves
Magical Sci-Fi Gloves
‘The Force Glove’ Will Teach Kids About Magnets in a Fun Way
Touchscreen-Friendly Apparel
Touchscreen-Friendly Apparel
Dots Gloves for iPhone, iPod
Hot Hand Mittens
Hot Hand Mittens
The Ultimate Rechargeable Heated Gloves Keep Your Hands Warm for Hours
Innovative Luminous Gloves
Innovative Luminous Gloves
The H9 Portable Lighting Tool Can Be Worn Conveniently on the Palm