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27 Stress Management Tools

From Diagnostic Migraine Apps to Daily Mindfulness Apps

— August 16, 2014 — Tech
Consumers are experiencing things like anxiety more today than in recent years, which is being taken into account with a number of stress management innovations that look to make life easier for a workforce that has predominantly gone digital. As the schedules of consumers continue to be a delicate balance between responsibilities and personal commitments, we're seeing consumers opting to work longer hours to the disdain of their stress levels.

Putting relaxation and relief in the hands of the sufferer, these stress management tools highlight ease of use in order to appeal. Instead of requiring extensive practice to participate in, relief is coming in the form of a simple to use app or a piece of furniture that's specifically designed to let you practice meditation at your desk or take a selfie to see how technically stressed you are.
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Track-Mixing Relaxation Apps
Track-Mixing Relaxation Apps
The Omvana Meditation App Lets Users Overlay Ambient & Vocal Tracks
Desktop Firework Devices
Desktop Firework Devices
Tomomi Sayuda's Indoor Fireworks Help Employees De-Stress
Relaxing Musical Helmets
Relaxing Musical Helmets
The Melomind is a Bizarre-Looking Wearable That Helps You Chill Out
Relaxing Desk Writers
Relaxing Desk Writers
The 'Prosepra' Massage Pen is Multifunctional
Stress Management Selfie Apps
Stress Management Selfie Apps
The Dina Re:lax Stress Measurement Tool Measures Pulse with Selfies
Daily Mindfulness Apps
Daily Mindfulness Apps
The Get Some Headspace App Provides a Series of 10-Minute Meditations
App-Connected Meditation Flowers
App-Connected Meditation Flowers
The Lotus Digital Flower Blossoms Only When Brainwaves Are Still
Rolling Stress Relievers
Rolling Stress Relievers
Weighted Stress Balls Refocus Rage to Some Basic Desktop Play
Stress-Monitoring Smartwatches
Stress-Monitoring Smartwatches
The 'Embrace' Watch Helps People with Epilepsy Track Their Seizures
Health-Focused Alarm Clocks
Health-Focused Alarm Clocks
The Tranquil Moments Sleep Sound Machine is for Relaxing or Waking
Stress-Measuring Chairs
Stress-Measuring Chairs
The R18 Ultra Chair has Same Design Method as Audi's Race Cars
Instructive Meditation Apps
Instructive Meditation Apps
Stop, Breathe and Think is a Self-Taught Meditation App
Moody LED Projectors
Moody LED Projectors
Dream Wave Projector Enhances the Room's Atmosphere with Oceanic Waves
Sleep-Friendly Headphones
Sleep-Friendly Headphones
Gregory Martin Makes it Comfortable to Listen to Music While Dreaming
Diagnostic Migraine Apps
Diagnostic Migraine Apps
Headache Tracker App Migraine Buddy is Like Having a Doctor on Hand
Holistic Health Scheduling Apps
Holistic Health Scheduling Apps
The Owaves Wellness Calendar Helps You Plan a Balanced Day
Magnetic Stress Relievers
Magnetic Stress Relievers
Magneto Toys Act as Therapeutic Distractions While Experiencing Low Mood
Breath-Monitoring Wearables
Breath-Monitoring Wearables
This Activity Tracker App and Stone is Designated for State of Mind
Stress-Reducing Coloring Books
Stress-Reducing Coloring Books
These Adult Coloring Books are Designed to Fight High Stress Levels
Stress-Reducing Bracelets
Stress-Reducing Bracelets
The WellBe Tells You When You're Too Stressed and Helps You Calm Down
High Tech Emotive Jewelry
High Tech Emotive Jewelry
This Tech-Embedded Mood Ring Works Like an Emotional Tracking System
Soothing Song Stones
Soothing Song Stones
This Stress Relief Device Monitors Your Heartbeat and Plays Relaxing Music
Mood-Improving Headsets
Mood-Improving Headsets
The DayBrake Monitors Your Bodily Response and Endeavors to Relax You
Stress-Reducing Devices
Stress-Reducing Devices
Greater Than by Code and Theory Tunes Out Annoying Bosses
Anti-Stress Mouse Concepts
Anti-Stress Mouse Concepts
The Petpad from Patrick Staudt is a Functional Stress Ball
Therapeutic Public Sculptures
Therapeutic Public Sculptures
This Public Art Installation Adds Character to a Medical Complex
Headache-Curbing Massagers
Headache-Curbing Massagers
The USB Head Brain Massager Hypes Up the Pressure at CES 2014
Stress-Relieving Robot Bracelets
Stress-Relieving Robot Bracelets
'Ref' from Jens Dyvik is Designed to Send Good Vibes
Guided Mindfulness Apps
Guided Mindfulness Apps
The Buddhify 2 App Helps Users Find Ease Throughout the Day
Stress-Sensing Watches
Stress-Sensing Watches
The Biofeedback StressWatch Tells You When You Need to Take a Deep Breath
Gilded Mindfulness Armchairs
Gilded Mindfulness Armchairs
Meditation Seat Ware Encourages the Perfect Posture in Contemplation
Yoga-Inspired Office Chairs
Yoga-Inspired Office Chairs
The Sukhasana Yoga Chair Helps You Comfortably Sit Cross-Legged