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23 Street Style Shoots

From Vintage Shoots to Real Life Street Kids

— June 29, 2011 — Fashion
In the last few years, photography blogs like the Sartoralist, the Style Scout and Face Hunter have revolutionized the fashion world with their street style shoots, featuring real people in everyday outfits.

The success of these street style shoots led to a new market in the fashion world for clothes and advertisements that looked less like something that belongs on a runway and more like something that belongs on well-dressed, normal, every day people. Fashion campaigns and clothing lines began to create advertising that reflected the newfound desire for advertising that resembled real life, some of which are featured in this collection.

Also in this collection of street style shoots, we travel back in time to the street style of 1970s New York, over to London, England and examine the world of the underground arts culture, and we see what the style of modern day, real life, New York City street kids.

Implications - In recent years, there has been a movement away from upscale, glossy fashion photography and towards DIY street style blogs and features. Any company that fashions itself avant-garde or cutting-edge would be wise to feature marketing that looks more like a street style blog than a well-produced fashion advertisement. By focusing on the natural and everyday, the brand connects with consumers on an emotional level, which is something that other brands that feature traditional fashion marketing cannot do with polished, glossy ads.
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