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34 Slimy Snail-Inspired Designs

From Eccentric Escargot Seating to Insect Instruments

— August 25, 2012 — Art & Design
These snail-inspired designs show how the slinky mollusk has made its way into a variety of products, from toys to beautifully designed architecture.

Slithering and charming, the snail has been used in recipes and as a muse of sorts for artists and creators. The natural shape of the creature is incredibly delicate, and offers a great amount of interpretation on behalf of designers. Though some mollusk depictions tend to be more nuanced than others, the shape and shell is often evident. Architectural designs, for instance, tend to do so in a softer way that still manages to come across as sleek and subtle.

Sure to continue popping up in unexpected ways, the almighty snail and its shape will live on for many years to come.
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