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Top 30 Gaming Trends in September

From Console Subscription Programs to eSports VR Spaces

— September 29, 2018 — Tech
The various innovations featured in this September 2018 gaming list range from performance boosting peripherals to in-game rewards for security upgrades. This in-game reward is perhaps one of the most interesting updates to the immensely popular Fortnite: Battle Royale and offers players an in-game dance for simply upgrading to two-factor authentication.

Also featured is a new subscription service offered by Microsoft for its Xbox One consoles. Instead of requiring buyers to purchase a new console and online service, the Xbox All Access program will let players finance their console at a low cost of just $22 a month. This model is not only incredibly cost-effective but also allows users to test out the console at a reduced rate.

The September 2018 gaming list also includes an impressive gamer immersion chair that dwarfs simply playing video games from a chair. Inspired by plane cockpits, the Acer Predator Thronos enables optimal comfort and peak gaming performance.
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Subscription Gamer Console Programs
Subscription Gamer Console Programs
Xbox All Access Offers Consoles and Games for One Low Fee
Video Game Audio Amplifiers
Video Game Audio Amplifiers
The Sound BlasterX G6 Upscales the Audio on Any Console
High-Fidelity Gamer Audio Devices
High-Fidelity Gamer Audio Devices
The SteelSeries 'GameDAC' Upgrades the Audio of Your Gaming
High-Performance Gaming Monitors
High-Performance Gaming Monitors
Dell's Ultrasharp Displays Focus on the Gaming Market
Convertible 4K Touchscreen Laptops
Convertible 4K Touchscreen Laptops
The Acer Predator Triton 900 Laptop Enables Optimized Gaming
Multiplayer Cloud Gaming Features
Multiplayer Cloud Gaming Features
Parsec Lets Players Find Friends Through Cloud Gaming Technology
Robot Morphology Video Games
Robot Morphology Video Games
Morphies Law Introduces a Unique Limb Growing Mechanic
Professional eSports Peripherals
Professional eSports Peripherals
The Logitech G PRO Wireless Mouse Has a 1ms Response Rate
All-in-One Gamer Bundles
All-in-One Gamer Bundles
The Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Limited Edition Box is Feature-Rich
Video Game Security Updates
Video Game Security Updates
Fortnite's "Boogie Down" Dance is Being Offered to 2FA Users
Cross-Platform Gamer Headsets
Cross-Platform Gamer Headsets
The Turtle Beach Atlas Series Headsets Support eSports Pros
Advanced Overclocking Gaming Monitors
Advanced Overclocking Gaming Monitors
The New Dell Gaming Monitors Have the LED Edge-Light System
Affordable Online Gaming Services
Affordable Online Gaming Services
Nintendo Switch Online Offers 20 Games in Its Initial Lineup
Holographic AR Tabletop Games
Holographic AR Tabletop Games
Spatial's Augmented Reality Tabletop Gaming Requires No Headsets
Iconic Celebratory Gamer Consoles
Iconic Celebratory Gamer Consoles
The 500 Million Limited Edition PS4 Pro is Specially Designed
Nostalgia-Inspired Game Consoles
Nostalgia-Inspired Game Consoles
The 3DS XL Super NES Edition Draws its Design from the Super NES
Thin Performance Gaming Laptops
Thin Performance Gaming Laptops
The Asus Zephyrus S is the World's Thinnest Gaming Laptop
Mobile eSports Leagues
Mobile eSports Leagues
The Clash Royale League Aims to Enhance Mobile eSports Legitimacy
Massively Multiplayer City Builders
Massively Multiplayer City Builders
'Seed' Tasks Players with Growing Communities on a Planet
360-Degree VR Walking Platforms
360-Degree VR Walking Platforms
The Omnifinity Omnideck Further Immerses Players in Games
Versatile Online Gaming Expansions
Versatile Online Gaming Expansions
Fortnite for Android is Available on Samsung Galaxy Phones
Next-Generation Arcade Controllers
Next-Generation Arcade Controllers
The Razer Panthera Evo Arcade Stick Enables Precision Gaming
Affordable Performance PCs
Affordable Performance PCs
The HP Omen Obelisk Provides Impressive Internals in a Stylish Case
Reclining Gamer Immersion Chairs
Reclining Gamer Immersion Chairs
The Acer Predator Thronos Gaming Cockpit Enables Optimal Comfort
Fashion-Forward Gamer Satchels
Fashion-Forward Gamer Satchels
The Séfu Switch Bag Packs Your Nintendo Console and More
Video Game-Inspired Keyboards
Video Game-Inspired Keyboards
The Resident Evil 2 Qwerkywriter S Lexington Keyboard is Mechanical
360-Degree VR Motion Seats
360-Degree VR Motion Seats
The 'Feel Three' Virtual Reality Motion Simulator Immerses Players
Upgradeable Gaming PC Towers
Upgradeable Gaming PC Towers
The Alienware Aurora PC is Ready for VR Gaming and More
Video Game-Themed Computer Cases
Video Game-Themed Computer Cases
The Fallout Computer Case Takes Inspiration From the Wasteland
Immersive eSports VR Spaces
Immersive eSports VR Spaces
Greenwall Aims to Be the First eSports-Focused VR Social Space