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Top 20 Robots Trends in September

From Driverless Drone Cabs to Robotic Painting Devices

— September 30, 2015 — Autos
The top September 2015 robots trends showcase highlights from an ever-evolving tech industry that favors the bold. Given the sheer number of robotic innovations at any given time, it seems that only those with relatable features seem to make it into mainstream coverage.

An example of a whimsical robot with creativity to boot is a Roomba-powered painting device that is capable of creating awe-inspiring abstract art pieces. The device, created by a Japanese artist, features several bottles of paint with tubing that allows for dispensing of the colorful liquid as the robot is moved about the canvas.

Separately, the 'Therabot' is a robotic substitute for animal-assisted therapy for post-traumatic stress disorder patients.

The top September 2015 robots trends include several innovations that speak to the expanded role of robotic technology to include health and creative applications.
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