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17 Perfected Urban Plant Holders

From Skeletal Plant Pots to Functional Self-Watering Planters

— April 16, 2014 — Eco
Whether you are looking to jazz up your small urban apartment with some mossy creations, or are wanting to save time with self-watering planters, these designs are ideal for those living in confined spaces, with not a whole lot of access to nature on a regular basis.

While there are certainly advantages to living in the city, the downside is the lack of greenery one has access to on a daily basis. To combat this, these planters should provide a bit of comfort, allowing people to bring the green spaces inside, instead of venturing into the great outdoors for it every day. The best part about these designs is their compact nature, allowing city-dwellers to place them on a smaller balcony, or even in that minuscule New York City apartment.
Functional Self-Watering Pots
Functional Self-Watering Pots
These Self-Watering Pots Make Raindrops Fall on Your Plants
Anatomical Plant Holders
Anatomical Plant Holders
The Flower Pump Vase has a Scientific Sense of Romance
Water-Shaped Plant Holders
Water-Shaped Plant Holders
The 273 Vase by 4P1B Design Studio is Uniquely Moulded
Vibrant Leaning Plant Holders
Vibrant Leaning Plant Holders
The Icono Design Studio 'Flower Vase' Offers a Fresh Look
Hanging Light Plant Hybrids
Hanging Light Plant Hybrids
The Bucket Lights Let You Hang Plants While Illuminating a Room
Neon Beaded Planters
Neon Beaded Planters
The Peaches and Keen Planters Can Be Hung Inside Your Home
Frightening Doll Plant Holders
Frightening Doll Plant Holders
Scare Trick-or-Treaters with this Terrifying Halloween Planter
Legged Potted Plant Holders
Legged Potted Plant Holders
The Domsai Terrarium by Matteo Cibic is a Standing Work of Living Art
Undulating Sculptural Planters
Undulating Sculptural Planters
The PL Series Features Minimalist and Modern Plant Holders
Modular Modern Planters
Modular Modern Planters
The Trapa System is Convenient and Contemporarily Stylish
Tiny Teacup Planters
Tiny Teacup Planters
This DIY Project Turns Unused Kitchenware Items into Fantastic Plant Holders
Urban Hanging Plant Growers
Urban Hanging Plant Growers
These 'Growing Bags' Plant Holders Are Great for Outdoor Gardening
Pop Can Plant Holders
Pop Can Plant Holders
The Two's Company Soda Can Vase Set is Constructed from Porcelain
Flower Pot Cake Molds
Flower Pot Cake Molds
This Adorable Baking Pan Lets You Make Edible Plant Holders
Skeletal Plant Holders
Skeletal Plant Holders
CELLA by ecoid Can be Mounted on Walls or Made to Stand Alone
Self-Watering Plant Holders
Self-Watering Plant Holders
The Living Wall Planter by Woolly Pocket Promotes Nature-Filled Homes
DIY Pineapple Plant Holders
DIY Pineapple Plant Holders
These DIY Plant Holders are Geometrically Shaped Like Tropical Fruits