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50 Rocking Fashions

Rockstar Innovations to Bring Out Your Heavy Side

— April 9, 2010 — Art & Design
Check out these rockstar finds and rocking fashions! There is everything from air guitar competitions to rock candles and punky fashion collections.

I am obsessed with rocking fashions at the moment. I guess it is the timeless long hair, skinny jeans, metal tees and skull chains I just can't get enough of. Take a band like Metallica, for example--they have looked the same for nearly 20 years. You have to give them credit for busting such a classic look well into the 21th century.
Interstellar Rocker Wear
Interstellar Rocker Wear
The nano universe 2010 Spring Collection ain't no Burnout
Rock Paper Scissors Gloves
Rock Paper Scissors Gloves
Steve Hoefer Creates the Ultimate Way to Play With Yourself
Rock, Paper, Scissors Dice
Rock, Paper, Scissors Dice
Fatih Baltas
Online-Only Rockstar Games
Online-Only Rockstar Games
OMGPOP's 'Hit Machine' Takes on 'Rock Band' & 'Guitar Hero'
Rockstar On-Stage Emulation
Rockstar On-Stage Emulation
Rock Band Stage Kit
Punk-Rock Promotions
Punk-Rock Promotions
Johnny Rotten for Dairy Crest Butter
Rock Band Reunion Tours
Rock Band Reunion Tours
Robert Plant Rejoins Led Zeppelin
Real Rock Band Uses Plastic Instruments
Real Rock Band Uses Plastic Instruments
Guitar Zero's
Classic Rock Idols
Classic Rock Idols
Anna Michell Channels Classic Sculptures With Rockstar Style
Punk Granny Dishes
Punk Granny Dishes
Legarage Pierre Blanc Gives China a Rock & Roll Makeover
Punk Rock Yoga
Punk Rock Yoga
Lets Rock Hand Candle
Lets Rock Hand Candle
Punk Rock Lullaby Music for Babies (Also: Rap, Country and Trance)
Punk Rock Lullaby Music for Babies (Also: Rap, Country and Trance)
Girly Guitaring
Girly Guitaring
The Daisy Rock Guitar Company Inspire Girls to Rock Out
Bands Inspired by Movies
Bands Inspired by Movies
Harry Potter Fuels ‘Wizard Rock' Genre
Rock Stars in Supermarkets
Rock Stars in Supermarkets
Gwen Stefani's Grocery Shopping Editorial Makes Chores Glamorous
Alt-Rock Sneakers
Alt-Rock Sneakers
Vans and the Pixies Rock Out Shoes
Rock Paper Scissors World Championship
Rock Paper Scissors World Championship
Hard Rock Photography
Hard Rock Photography
Peter Beste's Black Metal Project Features Norwegian Rockstars
Iran's Music Scene
Iran's Music Scene
Tehran's Underground Rock
Violent Rockabilia
Violent Rockabilia
The Zeb Love Indie Rock Tees Will Make You a Stylish Headbanger
Vintage Rocker Vibes
Vintage Rocker Vibes
Tendencias 'Rock-a-Billy' Editorial is Something to Jive Over
Plush Musical Instruments
Plush Musical Instruments
'The Grateful Thread' Sells Crafted Rock & Roll Kitsch
Indie Rock Yoga
Indie Rock Yoga
The Wanderlust Festival Combines Music, Yoga and Nature in Lake Tahoe
Macabre Music
Macabre Music
Natalia Brilli's Skeleton Rock Band
Rock Offspring Models
Rock Offspring Models
Gorgeous Georgia May Jagger Poses for Hudson Jeans
Street Rock Fashion
Street Rock Fashion
Sassy 'Crystal Rock' Line Redefines Street Style
Rockstar Inspired Toddler Fashion
Rockstar Inspired Toddler Fashion
Rock a Bye Baby
Shoes That Rock
Shoes That Rock
Carlos Footwear by Carlos Santana
Rockstar Cakes
Rockstar Cakes
The Guitar Hero Concert Cake is Rock'n'roll-Licious
Girlie Gamers
Girlie Gamers
Aly and AJ Rock Band Guitars
Rock'n Roll Hotel
Rock'n Roll Hotel
Pelirocco Has Durex Play Room, PlayStation Bar
Eco Rock & Roll Fashion with Chopper Couture
Eco Rock & Roll Fashion with Chopper Couture
Custom Rock Band and Guitar Hero Instruments
Custom Rock Band and Guitar Hero Instruments
ArtGuitar Controllers
Gothic Weddings
Gothic Weddings
Kate Moss' Rock'n'Roll Gown
Custom Chandeliers
Custom Chandeliers
'Rock and Royal' Lighting
McDonald's Painted Handvertising
McDonald's Painted Handvertising
Rock 'n' Fries
Rock Star Baby Fashion
Rock Star Baby Fashion
Tico Torres Designs for Tots
Skeletal Rock Jewelry
Skeletal Rock Jewelry
Patricia's Nicolas Merges Glam and Punk
Rockstar Branded Eyeballs
Rockstar Branded Eyeballs
Metal Rock Contact Lenses
Papercraft Guitars
Papercraft Guitars
Rock Out on WowWee Paper Jamz Axes
Punk Rock Princesses
Punk Rock Princesses
Marcio Freitas Showcases Marimoon's Sugar and Spice
Rockstar Fashion Editorials
Rockstar Fashion Editorials
'Rock Style' in Vogue Mexico Channels the Stones, Queen & Bowie
Rock Star Tattoos
Rock Star Tattoos
This Rad AC/DC Ink Leaves Me Thunderstruck
Punk-Rock Award Fashion
Punk-Rock Award Fashion
A Sharp Kristen Stewart in Rock & Republic Spike Dress
Rockin' Hotel Rooms
Rockin' Hotel Rooms
The Vegas Hard Rock Hotel Paradise Tower is a Rock 'n' Roll Haven
Rock Legend Sneakers
Rock Legend Sneakers
Converse Special Edition Chuck Taylors AC/DC Shoes
Unconventional Rock Style Editorials
Unconventional Rock Style Editorials
Kate Moss in Vogue China