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26 Robotic Healthcare Innovations

From Cyborg Fitness Instructors to Laser-Powered Prosthetics

— August 21, 2014 — Tech
While the concept of robotic healthcare might conjure notions of science fiction, we're living in a time where it isn't as foreign as it might seem. The surge of innovation with regard to healthcare is being supported by a strong attention to the technology world and robotics as a whole. The ways in which we're seeing the healthcare market evolve are truly astonishing; we're becoming more accustom to the idea of automation and exploring the possibilities with open minds rather than anxiety.

This collection of robotic healthcare innovations ranges from fixed equipment to prosthetics and concentrates on the ways we're seeing an exciting mix of solutions that merge the fruits of Silicon Valley with the hospital.
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Robotic Hand Cleansers
Robotic Hand Cleansers
This Robotic Hand Washer and Dryer Cleans Your Hands So You Don't Have To
All-Inclusive Blood Robots
All-Inclusive Blood Robots
The 'Veebot' Automates the Entire Process of Drawing Blood
Gesture-Controlled Medical Robots
Gesture-Controlled Medical Robots
John Hopkins University Creates the 'da Vinici' to Aid Patients
Stair-Climbing Accessible Seating
Stair-Climbing Accessible Seating
The Chiba Tech Robotic Wheelchair Can Traverse Uneven Surfaces
Bionic Prosthetic Hands
Bionic Prosthetic Hands
The LifeHand 2 Artificial Arm May Bring Back Feelings That Were Once Lost
Laser-Powered Prosthetics
Laser-Powered Prosthetics
The Pentagon's Fiber Optic Arm is Being Fitted to Amputated Veterans
Glowing Robot Eye Injections
Glowing Robot Eye Injections
Bradley Nelson Created a New Technology That May Save Your Eyesight
Elderly-Feeding Robots
Elderly-Feeding Robots
Isao Wakabayashi's Meal Assistance Robot Helps Care for Seniors
Brain-Operated Bionic Arms
Brain-Operated Bionic Arms
This Mind-Controlled Prosthetic is From the Inventor of the Segway
Futuristic Prosthetic Limbs
Futuristic Prosthetic Limbs
The i-Limb Ultra Revolution is an Amazingly Advanced Prosthetic Device
Motivational Fitness Robots
Motivational Fitness Robots
This Personal Trainer Robot Named Autom Encourages Healthy Habits
Hair Care Bots
Hair Care Bots
The Panasonic Hair-Washing Robot Helps Take Care of The Elderly
DIY Free-Sourced Prosthetics
DIY Free-Sourced Prosthetics
These Prosthetic Hand Designs Will Help Out Any Family in Need
Feeling-Restoring Prosthetic Hands
Feeling-Restoring Prosthetic Hands
This Bionic Hand Restores the Feeling of Touch to Amputees
Prosthetic Musical Instruments
Prosthetic Musical Instruments
Prosthetic Advancements are Bringing Music Back to Amputees
Rock Climber Prosthetic Legs
Rock Climber Prosthetic Legs
Klippa by Kai Lin Allows Disabled to Indulge Their Outdoor Passions
One-Armed Helper Bots
One-Armed Helper Bots
The Human Support Robot Provides Added Assistance to the Disabled
Cyborg Fitness Instructors
Cyborg Fitness Instructors
The Gymbot Personal Trainer Robot is Programmed for Health
Customizable Athletic Prosthetics
Customizable Athletic Prosthetics
The Versa Foot is a Custom Prosthetic Foot for Extreme Sports
Microbe-Mimicking Cleaners
Microbe-Mimicking Cleaners
Electrolux Germs Scour Your Home and Clean Its Surfaces Sustainably
3D-Printed Exoskeletons
3D-Printed Exoskeletons
This Robotic Exoskeleton is Changing Lives
Sanitizing Robot Snakes
Sanitizing Robot Snakes
The Bio-Cleaner 2 is an Underwater Appliance That Breaks Down Metals
Patient-Lifting Androids
Patient-Lifting Androids
The 'Medirobot' Medical Robotic Assistant Eliminates Discomfort
Robotic Wheelchair Beds
Robotic Wheelchair Beds
This Service Robot Makes Wheelchair-Bound Patients’ Lives Easier
Growing Leg Prosthetics
Growing Leg Prosthetics
The FIT Adjustable Prosthetic Grows with Its User
Robotic Running Suits
Robotic Running Suits
The 7-Miles Orthosis System Brings Ease and Efficiency to Travel on Foot