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35 Pixelated Designs

From Pixelated Luggage to Pixel Furniture, Geek up Your Life

— May 10, 2009 — Fashion
Inspired by the pixels on a computer, pixelated designs are beginning to pop up everywhere, from pixelated fashion, to pixelated home decor like geek chic couch cushions.

This cluster of unique and fun pixelated designs is just a glimpse into the way people are integrated their love of technology with their need for self expression.

These creative pixelated designs include everything from pixelated armchairs to a designer Hermes bracelet featuring a pixel mosaic.

Implications - Customers who enjoy playing certain games are appealing to products that also feature certain aspects of their favorite past time. Coming out with more items that feature a certain gaming aesthetic could help a company increase their appeal.
Tea Candles as Pixels
Tea Candles as Pixels
Moving Art by Phil Hansen
Buy a Pixel, Save a Tree
Buy a Pixel, Save a Tree
Pixel Building
Pixel Building
Project Blinken Lights
Pixelator Art Performance
Pixelator Art Performance
NYC TVs Being Transformed into Pixel Machines
Digitized Barware
Digitized Barware
25togo Customizable Pixel Coasters
Subway Ticket Art
Subway Ticket Art
138,000 Tickets Converted Into Astro Boy Pixel Art
Pixelated Pillows
Pixelated Pillows
'Mixelated' Cushions Geek Up Your Decor
Pixelated Images to Promote Safety
Pixelated Images to Promote Safety
Greater Vancouver Crime Stoppers Campaign
DIY Pixel Luggage
DIY Pixel Luggage
Pop Top by Public
Geek Luxe Bangles
Geek Luxe Bangles
Pixelated Hermes Bracelet Lets You Nerd up Your Wardrobe
Rubik's Cube Meets Pixel Art
Rubik's Cube Meets Pixel Art
Pixel Block Chocolates
Pixel Block Chocolates
Tithi Kutchamuch Creates Chocolate With a Social Message
Pixelated Mobile Masterpieces
Pixelated Mobile Masterpieces
12Pixel App Ushers in New Wave Of Phone Art
Pixel Furniture II
Pixel Furniture II
Pixel Sofa
Beads as Pixels
Beads as Pixels
Star Trek Bead Curtains
Pixelated Naughtiness
Pixelated Naughtiness
Avatars of Second Life “Street Workers”
Pixel Roller
Pixel Roller
Enhance Your Graffiti
Digital Handbags
Digital Handbags
Longchamp 'Xlight Imprime' Tote In Pixel Rainbow Edition
Pixelated Pilfered Jewelry
Pixelated Pilfered Jewelry
Borrowed Accessory Inspiration
Pixelated Furniture
Pixelated Furniture
‘Prophets and Penitents' Exhibit Reveres Passion for Chair Design
Pixelated Crayon Art
Pixelated Crayon Art
Christian Faur's Hidden ‘Fonts' Will Make You Cross-Eyed
Pixelated Masks
Pixelated Masks
Campaign for Anonymous Tips
Pixel Watch For Ladies
Pixel Watch For Ladies
EL Modern Timepiece
Pixelated Furniture
Pixelated Furniture
Tord Boontje's ‘Digital Memories' Series Digitalizes Nature
Pixelated Armchairs
Pixelated Armchairs
Tiny Little Eye Chart Chairs Showcased at Milan Furniture Show
DIY Nerdy Decor
DIY Nerdy Decor
Turn Your Shelf Into a Pixelated Parade of Computer Icons
Furniture for Nerds
Furniture for Nerds
The Pixel Couch
Pixelated Graffiti
Pixelated Graffiti
Mario Chalk Art
Pixelated Pop Portraits
Pixelated Pop Portraits
Mosaics Made from Rubik's Cubes
Pixel Fashion
Pixel Fashion
Designers Embrace Graphic Dots
Pixelated Portraits
Pixelated Portraits
10 A-List Vector Renderings
Pixelated Jewelry
Pixelated Jewelry
Mike and Maaike Recreate Famous Jewels on Leather
Pixelated Naughty to Sell Shoes
Pixelated Naughty to Sell Shoes
Sneaky Digitalized Photography by Christophe Gilbert
Photoshop-Inspired Furniture
Photoshop-Inspired Furniture
Pixel Stretched 'Lathe' Chairs by Sebastian Brajkovic
Hot Pixelated Photos
Hot Pixelated Photos
Lemoigne Captures Female Form With All the Jagged Edges