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39 Peculiar Pencil Sketches

From Charcoal Celeb-Mocking to Psychedelic Sketching

— September 29, 2010 — Art & Design
In a world of digital design and art software, pencil sketches are rapidly on their way to extinction. However, these interesting features are proving that concept otherwise.

The shady line of a pencil or smudge from a piece of charcoal cannot be replaced. From sketched street style to charcoal political cartoons, it's safe to say that pencil sketches are here to stay.

Implications - With the abundance of technology available for artists to use at their disposal, many are reverting to old methods to create more natural drawings. The raw aesthetic of sketches provides an honest image in which an artisans craftsmanship is portrayed in a way that digital artworks sometime lacks. While sticking with modern techniques is important, old ones shouldn't be neglected because sentiment is a great selling point for any business trying to capitalize on retro themes.
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