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Top 36 Ways to Organify Your Life

Green Lifestyles

— April 20, 2008 — Eco
A lot of people are reflecting on contributions they can make to create a greener planet with Earth Day next week. One of the simplest things people can do is to select organic when purchasing consumer goods, and that doesn't just pertain to food, although that's mostly what this feature highlights.

However, there are organic choices in fashion and other design products which are featured here.

If you have the option, it's always best to buy locally in order to offset carbon emissions as well as support local farmers. With regard to food, it helps you to eat in season as well, a concept many modern nutrients endorse.

Be aware too of packaging; avoid it where possible, but when there's no choice, try to select things that have been packaged in biodegradable or recycled materials.

Here is a list of some eco-friendly products and ideas to help you go green this Earth Day, as well as any other day of the year.

Following this list is a link to the top 100 solar-powered objects featured on Trendhunter.
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Natural Radio
Retro Radio Strikes Again
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MAGNA Wooden Radio with iPod Jack
Made in Transit Produce
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4 Copas
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Edible Shoe Cream
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Organic Po-Zu
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Eco-Friendly and Awesome
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Green Grease By Yes
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Go Green When You Go
Electrolux Organic Cooker
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Healthy Odourless Cooking
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Eco Fibre
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The Solar Grill
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Organic Pet Armour
Eco Cell Phone Shell
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Bamboo Chute Phone
High-End Organic Juices
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Organic Pleasure
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