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Top 45 Robot Trends in Ocober

From Live-Streaming Underwater Drones to Smart Home Vacuum Robots

— October 29, 2016 — Tech
These October 2016 robot trends range from live-streaming underwater drones to smart home vacuum robots that make everyday household chores an easy feat. In addition to a handful of multifunctional drone innovations, the month's other standouts include HD security camera vacuums that protect one's home while doubling as a cleaning device.

Other notable examples include robot-run pizzerias -- Zuma Pizza replaces human staff with artificially intelligent workers -- along with retina-repairing droids like Robotic Retinal Dissection Device (R2D2) which is changing the way eye doctors treat the ailments of their patients.

In addition to making household chores easier and advancing the medical field, these October 2016 robot examples are also streamlining travel plans and making at-home entertainment a more immersive experience than ever before.
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Autonomous Stunt Drones
Autonomous Stunt Drones
The Vijay Kumar Lab's Drone Can Make Aggressive Maneuvers Autonomously
Robotic Practice Racers
Robotic Practice Racers
DevBot Lets Roborace Coders Practice Their Algorithms
Autonomous Drone Short Films
Autonomous Drone Short Films
'In the Robot Skies' is a Sci-Fi Film Shot Entirely by Drones
Hybrid Propeller Drones
Hybrid Propeller Drones
This Fixed-Wing Drone Offers Promising Agricultural Applications
Drone Data-Converting Tools
Drone Data-Converting Tools
'visualAI' is a Science Tool that Helps Process Drone Camera Data
Chemical-Detecting Drones
Chemical-Detecting Drones
This Unmanned Drone Can Sniff Out Chemical and Biological Weapons
Hotel-Finding Text Services
Hotel-Finding Text Services
This AI-Powered Chat Bot Helps Travellers Find the Best Hotel Options
Assistive Airport Robots
Assistive Airport Robots
Hitachi's 'EMIEW' Robot Helps Travelers at Haneda International Airport
Pizza Delivery Drones
Pizza Delivery Drones
Domino's is Experimenting with a 3D-Printed Drone Delivery Service
Retina-Repairing Robots
Retina-Repairing Robots
This Eye Surgery Robot Helps Perform Retinal Membrane Operations
Livestreaming Underwater Drones
Livestreaming Underwater Drones
This Drone's 4K Camera Transmits High-Quality Video In Real Time
Wrist-Controlled Robotic Droids
Wrist-Controlled Robotic Droids
This Special Edition BB-8 Robot Converts Gestures Into Movements
Abstract Painting Drones
Abstract Painting Drones
The 'Pollockcopter' Creates Splatter Paintings on Vertical Surfaces
HD Security Cam Vacuums
HD Security Cam Vacuums
The StillCool Smart Vacuum Cleaning Robot Monitors the Home While Cleaning
Magnetic Omnidirectional Robots
Magnetic Omnidirectional Robots
The Upgraded 'Ballbot' Uses a Magnetic Motor Mechanism
Robotic Viewpoint Publications
Robotic Viewpoint Publications
'Above the World: Earth Through a Drone's Eye' is Breathtaking
Classroom Chat Bots
Classroom Chat Bots
Slack Bot Litlbot Facilitates Classroom Interaction for Students and Teachers
Affordable Smart Vacuums
Affordable Smart Vacuums
The Neato Botvac D3 and D5 Feature a Low Price Point
Fence-Climbing Robots
Fence-Climbing Robots
The 'Ghost Minitaur' Can Climb Fences and Stairs and Open Doors
Haptic Surgery Robots
Haptic Surgery Robots
Deakin University's 'HeroSurg' Gives Surgeons 3D Images and Haptic Feedback
Autonomous Delivery Buggies
Autonomous Delivery Buggies
JD's "Drone" Delivery Technology Transports Packages
Compatible Camera Drones (UPDATE)
Compatible Camera Drones (UPDATE)
The GoPro Karma Drone Features Touchscreen and Remote Control
Emergency Food-Delivering Drones
Emergency Food-Delivering Drones
'Pouncer' UAV Drones Could Deliver Relief to Those in Need
Armed Robot Drones
Armed Robot Drones
The Prodrone PD6B-AW-ARM Features Arms to Grasp and Lift Objects
Proactive Afforestation Drones
Proactive Afforestation Drones
DroneSeed's Drones Can Plant Trees and Assess Their Progress
Smart Drone Development Kits
Smart Drone Development Kits
The Parrot SLAMdunk Lets Developers Turn Any Drone into a Smart Robot
Smart Home Vacuum Robots
Smart Home Vacuum Robots
The Xiaomi Mi Vacuum Robot Scans Surroundings 1800 Times Per Second
In-Home AI Displays
In-Home AI Displays
The 'L.U.C.Y.' Smart Assistant Home Display Helps Manage One's Life
Masterfully Maneuverable Mini-Drones
Masterfully Maneuverable Mini-Drones
The Swing Mini-Drone Can Perform An Array Of Aerial Stunts
Drone-Syncing Goggles
Drone-Syncing Goggles
These First Person View Goggles Pair With the New DJI Mavic Pro Drone
Breakneck Racing Drones
Breakneck Racing Drones
The xCraft Rogue Drone Can Fly At 100 Miles Per Hour
Branded Insomnia Chat Bots
Branded Insomnia Chat Bots
Casper Mattress' 'Insomnobot-3000' Helps People who Can't Sleep
Face-Replacing Emoji Bots
Face-Replacing Emoji Bots
'Tweet Me 4 Moji' Replaces Faces in Pictures with Corresponding Emojis
Skyscraper Delivery Drones
Skyscraper Delivery Drones
This Drone Makes it Easier to Receive Packages in High-Rise Buildings
Speedy Amateur Racing Drones
Speedy Amateur Racing Drones
The 'VIFLY R220' Race Drone is Ready to Race Out of the Box
Autonomous Naval Speedboats
Autonomous Naval Speedboats
This Royal Navy Boat is Engineered for Surveillance Purposes
Miniature Modular Drones
Miniature Modular Drones
This Mini-Drone Can Capture Video and Fire Nerf Balls
Autonomous Construction Trucks
Autonomous Construction Trucks
The Komatsu Innovative Autonomous Haulage Vehicle is Efficient
DIY Home Spy Cameras
DIY Home Spy Cameras
This DIY Raspberry Pi SpyCam Can be Remotely Controlled via Smartphone
Garment-Sewing Robots
Garment-Sewing Robots
Sewbo Inc. Developed a Process That Lets Robots Sew T-Shirts
Garbage-Collecting Water Drones
Garbage-Collecting Water Drones
The 'WaterShark' Gobbles Garbage as it Autonomously Cruises
Conceptual Delivery Drones
Conceptual Delivery Drones
The 'FLYCAT' is a Personal Drone with Ample Space for Cargo
Adorable Arachnid Robots
Adorable Arachnid Robots
The 'Xpider' is a Mini Robot that's Engineered for Interactive Fun
Robot-Run Pizzerias
Robot-Run Pizzerias
'Zume Pizza' Uses Robots to Makes Its Pies