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Top 100 Gadget Trends in October

From Tactile Payment Devices to Directional GPS Eyewear

— October 30, 2016 — Tech
These October 2016 gadgets range from tactile payment devices to directional GPS eyewear to tactile payment devices. While Tomas Moyano and Nicolas Aichino's sunglasses concept helps to aid the visually impaired by providing comprehensible directions, New Deal Design's 'Scrip' device acts as a convenient and intuitive replacement for cash or credit options.

Some other October 2016 gadgets to take note of include the 'Sound by Human' ear cup headphones which feature a personalized, comfortable and ergonomic design that forms comfortably over users' ears.

Additional standouts include personal care innovations like massage therapy hairbrushes and even social media-inspired sunglasses that can both capture and share photographs without skipping out on style in the process. This is the case with Snapchat Spectacles -- the social channel's fun accessory concept that is sure to be a hit among loyal users if released.
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Premium Low-Cost Headphones
Premium Low-Cost Headphones
'Gangster' Offers Affordable Audio Devices with High-End Features
3D Modifying Devices
3D Modifying Devices
The 'Elsewhere' System Turns Any Smartphone Video into a 3D Video
Drone-Detecting Sytems
Drone-Detecting Sytems
DARPA is Accepting Proposals for Its 'Aerial Dragnet' Program
Compact Rechargeable Outlets
Compact Rechargeable Outlets
The 'Omnicharge' Outlet Battery Pack Powers Appliances On-the Go
Digitized Combat Helmets
Digitized Combat Helmets
This Rockwell Collins Helmet System Features Integrated Heads-Up Display
Scooter-Centric Navigation Devices
Scooter-Centric Navigation Devices
This Satellite Navigation Device Can Be Mounted On Handlebars
Social Sharing Headphones
Social Sharing Headphones
These Bluetooth Headphones Let You Share Your Live Playlists
Device-Based Security Systems
Device-Based Security Systems
The Z-Tech iPad Docking Station Turns Devices into Security Cameras
Affordable Smart Vacuums
Affordable Smart Vacuums
The Neato Botvac D3 and D5 Feature a Low Price Point
App-Connected Portable Lamps
App-Connected Portable Lamps
The 'ZuziLite' Portable Lighting Solution Provides Connected Lighting
Wooden Wireless Charging Devices
Wooden Wireless Charging Devices
These Devices Work as Functional Decor Pieces in the Home
Powerful Beryllium Speaker Bars
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The Persona Series by Paradigm Offers Crisp Transient Streaming
Calendar-Connected Clocks
Calendar-Connected Clocks
The Glance Clock Operates as a Schedule Display for Professionals
Optimized 3D Printers
Optimized 3D Printers
This 3D Printer Kit Offers an Expansive Bed and Leveling Surface
Simplified Mood Lighting Bulbs
Simplified Mood Lighting Bulbs
'SceneSwitch' Bulbs Can Change Hues by Flipping the Light Switch
Smart Multipurpose Tracker Devices
Smart Multipurpose Tracker Devices
The Stilla Motion Keeps an Eye on Your Belongings and More
Versatile Object Printers
Versatile Object Printers
This Inkjet Printer Can Print Directly Onto Glass, Plastic and Cermaics
Heart-Tracking Mouses
Heart-Tracking Mouses
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Proactive Afforestation Drones
Proactive Afforestation Drones
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Silent 3D Printers
Silent 3D Printers
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Durable 3D-Printing Mats
Durable 3D-Printing Mats
The LokBuild 3D Mat Provides a Reliable Printing Surface For 3D Printers
Customizable Multi-Device Docks
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Smart Drone Development Kits
Smart Drone Development Kits
The Parrot SLAMdunk Lets Developers Turn Any Drone into a Smart Robot
Coded Steampunk USBs
Coded Steampunk USBs
The Cryptex Antique Gold Flash Drives Includes an Exterior Lock System
Muscle Tone-Analyzing Devices
Muscle Tone-Analyzing Devices
The New Skulpt Scanner Can Measure Muscle, Fat and More
3D-Printing Music Makers
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Speakerless Smartphone Earpieces
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Dual-Purpose Consumer Drones
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Televised Drone Races
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In-Home AI Displays
In-Home AI Displays
The 'L.U.C.Y.' Smart Assistant Home Display Helps Manage One's Life
Arcade Button Testers
Arcade Button Testers
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Versatile Mobile Device Speakers
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Rugged In-Ear Headphones
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App-Connected Ovens
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Sophisticated Steel Activity Trackers
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Multi-Device Controllers
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The Spin Remote Lets You Control a Plethora Of Gadgets
DIY Electronic Helmets
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Affordable Water Jet Cutters
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Responsive Construction Gear
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Individual IoT Home Sensors
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Connected Children's Wearables
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The Brillar Smart Watch is Great for Both Kids and Parents
Revolver-Inspired Screwdrivers
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The Craftsman 4V Slide Electric Screwdriver is Easily Changed
Multipurpose Meal Heaters
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The 'CELSIUS' Food and Drink Container Heats Food Up on-the-Go
Disguised Smartwatch Timepieces
Disguised Smartwatch Timepieces
The New Smartwatches in the Fossil Q Lineup are Classic in Design
High-Quality Adhesive Cameras
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The Newly Upgraded 'Podo' Captures Even Better Hands-Free Photos
Quad-Core Processor Smartwatches
Quad-Core Processor Smartwatches
The No. 1 D5+ Smart Watch Timepiece is Stylishly Powerful
Headphone-Charging Cases
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Vibrating Navigational Boots
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DIY Device Kits
DIY Device Kits
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Muscle-Toning Speakers
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Underbed Night Lights
Underbed Night Lights
Vanksy's 'Motion Activated Bed Light' Makes it Easy to Leave theBed at Night
Tactile Payment Devices
Tactile Payment Devices
The Scrip Device by New Deal Design Acts as a Replacement for Cash
High-End Wireless Earbuds
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Precise Mechanical Watches
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Wearable Fertility Thermometers
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Homeshare Smart Locks
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Lightweight Portable Solar Panels
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Outdoor Garden Debris Vacuums
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Wearable Thermo-Electric Generators
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Lucid Dreaming Wearables
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Swiveling Smartphone Security Cameras
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Communicative Cyclist Helmets
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The Sena Smart Bike Helmet Design Connects Riders to One Another
Massage Therapy Hairbrushes
Massage Therapy Hairbrushes
The Body Essentials Light & Massage Therapy Hairbrush is Therapeutic
Single-Handed Gaming Keypads
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Illuminating Smartphone Protectors
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The 'SPECTRE' Light-Up Case for the iPhone is Stylishly Useful
Smart Drink Cubes
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Wireless Magnetic Smartphone Chargers
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Augmented Writing Kits
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Compact Folding Drones
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Muscle-Training Shorts
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Aluminum Braille Timepieces
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Ultramodern Metal Slingshots
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Anti-Snoring Earpieces
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Directional GPS Sunglasses
Directional GPS Sunglasses
These Glasses Feature a GPS Function to Aid the Visually Impaired
Levitational Smartphone Chargers
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Dynamic Traffic Cones
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Noise-Blocking Sound Fields
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Chromatic Social Media Sunglasses
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The Snapchat Spectacles Enable POV Phone-Free Recording
Multi-Functional Smoking Tools
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Nuggy Smoker's Multi-Tool is 10 Smoking Tools in One Gadget
Portable Disposable Chargers
Portable Disposable Chargers
These Charging Devices are Small and Convenient for Smartphone Owners
Versatile Travel Gadgets
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The TripMate Titan is a Travel Router, a Device Charger and More
Sophisticated 3D-Printing Pens
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The 3Doodler Pro is Targeted Towards Professional Design Use
Insectival Macro Lenses
Insectival Macro Lenses
The Laowa 24 Millimeter Lens Looks Like an Insect's Proboscis
Shock-Absorbing Handlebar Stems
Shock-Absorbing Handlebar Stems
The ShockStop Absorbs Bumps and Vibrations On City Roads
Smart Heated Coffee Mugs
Smart Heated Coffee Mugs
The Glowstone Smart Fine Bone China Mug Keeps Beverages Hot
Dream-Augmenting Wearables
Dream-Augmenting Wearables
The 'Lucid Dreamer' Helps Enable Users to Control Their Dreams
Vibrating Pointillism Pens
Vibrating Pointillism Pens
This Pen Makes the Art of Creating Images from Dots Much Simpler
Active Adventure Smartwatches
Active Adventure Smartwatches
Nixon Mission Watches Provide a High Tech Device That Is Waterproof
Featherweight eBike Motors
Featherweight eBike Motors
The Polini E-P3 Motor Weighs Less Than Three Kilograms
Touchscreen E-Ink Smartwatches
Touchscreen E-Ink Smartwatches
The Nytec 'Axiom' Smartwatch Device Blends Analog with Digital
Wearable Wireless Audio Systems
Wearable Wireless Audio Systems
The 'Sound' System Offers Revolutionary Over-Ear Audio Listening
Virtual Reality Girlfriends
Virtual Reality Girlfriends
This VR Service Provides Users with a Realistic Romantic Experience
Wheelchair Hoverboard Attachments
Wheelchair Hoverboard Attachments
HoverSeat Turns Hoverboard Toys into a Rolling Beach Chair
Ergonomic Ear-Shaped Headphones
Ergonomic Ear-Shaped Headphones
The 'Sound by Human' Ear Cup Headphones are Contoured
Modern Modular TVs
Modern Modular TVs
This Deconstructible Screen Guarantees a Longer Life for the Electronic Device
Compact Ring Tasers
Compact Ring Tasers
The 'Sting Ring' Handheld Stun Gun is a Discreet Self-Defense Device