From Sustainable Food Printers to Pet-Following Cameras
Technology enhances a number of aspects in our lives and the products in the November 2018 gadgets round-up definitely contribute to consumer lifestyle and the home.
It is often the small and simple changes that can make big differences in the day-to-day of the individual. As the industry is moving toward a more health-focused and eco-conscious mindset, brands are making an effort to offer a little push and motivation in the right way. Bouchee, for example, launched a sustainable food printer that can produce edible goodness from mealworms and seaweed capsules. Boss Watt, on the other hand, is an outlet-equipped solar panel that is portable and sustainable, available to give consumers access to clean energy at any time.
It is often the small and simple changes that can make big differences in the day-to-day of the individual. As the industry is moving toward a more health-focused and eco-conscious mindset, brands are making an effort to offer a little push and motivation in the right way. Bouchee, for example, launched a sustainable food printer that can produce edible goodness from mealworms and seaweed capsules. Boss Watt, on the other hand, is an outlet-equipped solar panel that is portable and sustainable, available to give consumers access to clean energy at any time.