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80 Modern Magnetized Products

From Stylish Headboards to Spill-Proof Serviettes

— January 8, 2013 — Tech
Magnets have always been a very useful and curious thing that has been graciously adopted by all of humanity, as seen in these magnetized products. These polar-charged, clever and functional gadgets and gizmos optimize the power of magnets.

Whether being used to keep things together or hold things apart, magnets offer unlimited usefulness in everyday life. They serve as accessories, jewelry, tools and even interactive art pieces. Magnets have even taught many an important life lesson, considering they're a physical testament to the famous saying "opposites attract." The invisible, but powerful field magnets remind everyone that seeing isn't always believing.

Once you get a look at some of these works, it will be no surprise if your interest is being held as if by the use of magnetic force.
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Ink-Removing Robots
Ink-Removing Robots
The LEGO Chalkboard Eraser Will Save Teachers Time and Energy
Word Score Fridge Stickers
Word Score Fridge Stickers
Scrabble Magnets Bring the Word Game to the Kitchen
Face-Altering Photo Frames
Face-Altering Photo Frames
The Fuzzy Magnetic Picture Frame Changes Up Your Style
Levitating Light Bulbs
Levitating Light Bulbs
Chris Rieger Presents a Bright Take on an Old Idea
Dishware Time-Tellers
Dishware Time-Tellers
Kyouei Design's Water Clock Uses Plates, Glasses and a Red Ball
Emergency Edible Survival Guides
Emergency Edible Survival Guides
The Land Rover Eating Guide Supports Daring Drivers
Adjustable Industrial Lights
Adjustable Industrial Lights
The Tube Lamp Uses Concrete, Magnets and Metal to Enable Modification
Spotify-Powered Music Boxes
Spotify-Powered Music Boxes
The Skube Can Be Used Separately or in a Group as a Loudspeaker
Giant Magnetic Key Holders
Giant Magnetic Key Holders
This Big Red Key Will Grip Even the Heaviest Set of Keys
Magnetic Landscape Masterpieces
Magnetic Landscape Masterpieces
Georgi Tushev ‘Ace of Spades’ Captures Ghostly Attract
Sleek Magnetic Accessories
Sleek Magnetic Accessories
The Magnetic Belt Translates into a Smooth Look
Magnetic Ring Calendars
Magnetic Ring Calendars
Jeong Yong Uses His New Calendar to Comment on Our Relationship with Time
Brush Stroke Note Organizers
Brush Stroke Note Organizers
The Drip Magnetic Strip Keeps You Artsy and Up-to-Date on Events
Personalized Fridge Photos
Personalized Fridge Photos
StickyGram Brings Your Instagram Pictures to Life
Geometric Fridge Adornments
Geometric Fridge Adornments
Snug Magnets are a Colorful Way to Spruce Up Kitchen Appliances
Nesting Note Tacks
Nesting Note Tacks
The Sparrow Egg Magnet Lends its Shells for Pinning Post-Its
Mobile Ball Illuminators
Mobile Ball Illuminators
The KUGL Lighting System Functions More as a "Flexture" than a Fixture
Shape Shifting Sweepers
Shape Shifting Sweepers
The Joseph Guerra Suna Broom Serves Two Purposes
Moldable Magnetic Builders
Moldable Magnetic Builders
Buckybars Provide Desktop Sculptural Amusement
Fake Fruit-Cutting Kits
Fake Fruit-Cutting Kits
The Kid O Cutting Fruit Set Lets Little Ones Prepare Faux Snacks
Circular Orbit Lighting
Circular Orbit Lighting
The ‘Floating Globe Lamp’ Appears to be Suspended in Mid-Air
Cinder Block Adhesives
Cinder Block Adhesives
Concrete Block Magnets Can Construct Refrigerator Collages
Natural Galactic Pavilions
Natural Galactic Pavilions
The Chinese Pavilion at the Venice Biennale 2012 References Nature
Magnetic Tablet Docks
Magnetic Tablet Docks
The Magnus by Ten One Design Magically Holds the iPad
Laser Food Choppers
Laser Food Choppers
The 'Innovative Laser Device For Cutting Of Foodstuff' Does Away with Knives
Robot Window Cleaners
Robot Window Cleaners
The Ecovac Winbot is Polishing up at CES 2012
Stylish Magnetic Headboards
Stylish Magnetic Headboards
The Disney Family Fun Bed Design is Functional
Conjoined Silverware Collections
Conjoined Silverware Collections
The Attention! Cutlery Set Makes Setting the Table Simpler
Dual-Threat Table Totes
Dual-Threat Table Totes
The Smart Stand Sleeve Inconspicously Doubles as a Tablet Stand
Computing Fridge Magnets
Computing Fridge Magnets
Leave Nerdy Messages for Friends Using Sticky Jam Keyboard Magnets
Jagged-Bottomed Tables
Jagged-Bottomed Tables
The Cityscape Coffee Table Turns an Inverted Skyline into Storage
Magnetized Film Canisters
Magnetized Film Canisters
The Recycled Film Roll Magnets are Fun for Sticking up Photos
Super Sticky Light Switches
Super Sticky Light Switches
The NeoCover Magnetic Plate Attracts Metal Objects
Sticky Device Holders
Sticky Device Holders
The Grippy Pad Clutches iPhones and More to Car Dashboards
Protective Tablet Pouches
Protective Tablet Pouches
Tabu Introduces Its New Versatile iPad Protector
Spill-Resisting Servers
Spill-Resisting Servers
The Magic Tray Employs Magnetism to Keep All Crockery from Crashing
Magnetic Neck Wear
Magnetic Neck Wear
The Magnetie is Cleverly Designed to Keep You Looking Dapper
Impossibly Balanced Stem Holders
Impossibly Balanced Stem Holders
These Super Slender Magnetic Vases Defy Gravitational Expecations
Water Droplet Photography
Water Droplet Photography
Jim Kramer Uses High-Speed Photography to Capture Unique Shots
Contemporary Cuddly Companions
Contemporary Cuddly Companions
The Fiti Handmade Little Monsters are Adorable
Board Game Table Settings
Board Game Table Settings
The Brit & Co. Scrabble Tile Place Set is Affordable and Easy to Make
Suspended Utensil Storage
Suspended Utensil Storage
The Kitchen Icicle Keeps Countertops Clear and Implements Accessible
Secret Booze Fasteners
Secret Booze Fasteners
The Belt Buckle Flask Is Covert And Stylish
Magnetic Men's Accessories
Magnetic Men's Accessories
Tie Mags Ensure Your Tie Stays in Place All Day
Magnetized Exercise Mats
Magnetized Exercise Mats
The Nadi Yoga Mats Will Roll Without a Hitch
Modern Puzzle-Inspired Furniture
Modern Puzzle-Inspired Furniture
The Multiple Coffee Table Boasts Highly Customizable Features
Cookware-Inspired Footwear Art
Cookware-Inspired Footwear Art
Giant Shoes Uses Everyday Products to Make Social Criticisms
Sound-Magnifying Tablet Accessories
Sound-Magnifying Tablet Accessories
The Boast Sound Reflector Redirects iPad Sounds Towards You
Invisible Magnetic Locks
Invisible Magnetic Locks
Covert by Quirky Remains Undetectable Once Installed
Fashion-Savvy Adaptive Clothing
Fashion-Savvy Adaptive Clothing
Xeni Designs Pieces That Flatter Rather than Frustrate
Magnetic Fluid Flasks
Magnetic Fluid Flasks
The Ferrofluid Magnetic Display is a Mesmerizing Desk Toy
Temporary Task Reminders
Temporary Task Reminders
The Magnetic Chalkboard Weekly Calendar Keeps Your Week on Display
Magnetized Flower Pots
Magnetized Flower Pots
Kyung-Eun Oh Creates Planters That Could Stick to Fridges
Fridge Agenda Magnets
Fridge Agenda Magnets
The Magnetic Calendar by Anton Drozdov is Bright and Customizable
Magnetic Kitchen Coverings
Magnetic Kitchen Coverings
The Magic Wall Creates Some Attractive Storage Space
Microphone-Like Lighting
Microphone-Like Lighting
The Magneto Lamp by Giulio Iacchetti is Endlessly Adjustable
Behind-Focused Beast Magnets
Behind-Focused Beast Magnets
These Fridge Accessories by Kikkerland are Quirky
Magical Sci-Fi Gloves
Magical Sci-Fi Gloves
‘The Force Glove’ Will Teach Kids About Magnets in a Fun Way
Magnetic Liquid Sculptures
Magnetic Liquid Sculptures
Ferrite by David Markus is an Interactive Art Piece
Samurai Sword Fridge Stickers
Samurai Sword Fridge Stickers
Ninja Knife Magnets will Make Your Home Look Intimidating
Dextrous Reading Lamps
Dextrous Reading Lamps
The Glint Light Gets Comfy on its Perch According to Your Preference
Metal-Attracting Tool Gloves
Metal-Attracting Tool Gloves
The Magnetic Magic Finger Keeps Nails and Screws at Hand
Bike-Carrying Aids
Bike-Carrying Aids
The Samantha Del Rosario Lift Strap Eases Moving Cycles
Stealthy Snack Purses
Stealthy Snack Purses
The Peanut Butter and Jelly Wallet Sandwich Looks Deceptively Delicious
Tech Movie Hybrid Models
Tech Movie Hybrid Models
TRON Bumble Bee Transformer is a Custom Toy Blockbuster
Minimal Electronic-Geared Furniture
Minimal Electronic-Geared Furniture
Smart Console Table by André Schelbach is Made for Device
High-Endurance Tablet Protectors
High-Endurance Tablet Protectors
Griffin Technology Introduces a New Line of Hip iPad Cases
Accordion-Like Smartphone Cases
Accordion-Like Smartphone Cases
The TidyTilt iPhone Protector is Packed with Functional Features
Butterfly-Bombed Street Art
Butterfly-Bombed Street Art
Tasha Lewis Butterfly Installations Swarm Indianapolis
Dangling Cubic Lighting
Dangling Cubic Lighting
The Julian Appelius Dado Lamp Brightens Your Home with Geometry
Sleek Folding Tablet Covers
Sleek Folding Tablet Covers
The Incase iPad Origami Jacket Adopts a Japanese Art as Protection
Mounted Supply Holders
Mounted Supply Holders
Keep Your Desk Space Clear with the Modular Wall Organizer
Magnetic Eco Illuminators
Magnetic Eco Illuminators
The On Line Lighting System Offers a Sharp Look and Intense Illumination
Japanese-Inspired Ski Gadgets
Japanese-Inspired Ski Gadgets
Zai Higo Tools are Based on 'Higonokami' Folding Knives
Badass Body Art Beauties
Badass Body Art Beauties
Serch Galindo Paints Digital Women with Impressive Tattoos
Fridge-Adorning Panels
Fridge-Adorning Panels
The Kudu Magnets Will Change the Look of Your Kitchen
Animated Clay Accessories
Animated Clay Accessories
The Block Party Press Collection is Incredibly Surreal
Old School Gamer Magnets
Old School Gamer Magnets
These Perler Bead GameBoy Fridge Accessorizes Showcase a Classic Gadget
Modular Cake Molds
Modular Cake Molds
The Ribbon Baking Sheet Lets You Sculpt Your Dessert into Any Shape