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23 Attacking Innovations

From Keifer Sutherland's Assualt Charges to Heart Attack Hamburgers

— July 22, 2009 — Marketing
Here at Trend Hunter we deemed it an appropriate time to make light of Keifer Sutherland's NYC assault charges now that they are dropped.

This collection of assaults and attacks can be a little hard to see (some are rather funny), but then again, Keifer Sutherland's character on 24, Jack Bower, can be pretty ruthless at times.

From virtual terrorism to supermodel wars, here are our Keifer Sutherland-inspired attacking innovations.

Implications - Many consumers are feeling the tension caused by the economic recession, and this has resulted in aggressive marketing tactics and innovations. Companies would be wise to adopt similar strategies and respond to this shift in consumer mentality. In doing so, businesses will have a leading edge over other competitors.
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